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Everything posted by virdisun

  1. Hey I am in the same position as you - although I have to ask, what uni are you attending? At York I have been threatened on numerous occassions that the university will not pay out my SSHRC and a TAship. I've been hired for September but am worried they are going to take it away. Also, it's really frustrating because there is no specific regulation or policy outline such a restriction!!! Or FGS just likes to F*** with my head and my wallet!
  2. virdisun


    Congratulations to all those who won SSHRC and condolences to those who will have to try again next year. I am surprised people's posts that they have found out about their award through invites to award ceremonies or department officials calling/e-mailing to congratulate them. Perhaps I'm seeking someone to stroke my ego but I am surprised that it's been over a week since I found out that I've received SSHRC and I have not heard anything official from my department with so much as a congrats - hrmmm... after all the anticipation and waiting you would think that some recognition would be nice! :oops:
  3. Masters in Environmental Studies, 2 year program Major awards and value: Graduate scholarship $24,000 over 2 years Undergraduate GPA: 7.31 (all years); over 7.5 (last three years) Graduate GPA (N/A at time of application) Publications - Book Review Departmental Support - References (I missed the workshop - which was FGS wide, not in my faculty) York University - applied to, and where I will take up the award Application - Successful~!
  4. virdisun


    Hey everyone, just wanted to give many thanks for all the emotional support over the past couple of months! I'm happy to report that I've just found out from our awards officer that I've received SSHRC for my MA. Yay! FINALLY!!!
  5. virdisun


  6. virdisun


    I think you might be misreading the statistics. U of A was awarded 36 SSHRC prizes for students who were "Affiliated with the University at the time of their application" - Because the prizes must be administered through an institution, current U of A students were restricted to the quota you described (obviously it also means that all the A-listed candidates won a prize. The remaining '4' applicants are those who might have applied externally (not through U of A), but would somehow have U of A administer their awards. At least that's how I understand it. Hope it helps and congrats if you were an A list candidate
  7. virdisun


    SERIOUSLY?! York was awarded 66, I know their quota is 68 - the odds are OVER 97% stacked in my favour. IF I LOSE, this will be a GREAT SHAME.
  8. virdisun


    I have given up on waiting for SSHRC. I need to be more productive. No one seems to have any information either. I asked my department about SSHRC and they said they have absolutely no idea when to expect the results and assume that we will find out before they do because the process of word traveling 'top-down' so to speak is a time consuming one... one that does not respect our time.
  9. virdisun


    So anyone think it'll happen tomorrow????
  10. virdisun


    Eggheaddreams, I don't know if I can rely on this information. In fact I think it raises a false sense of certainty for us anxious A-list would-be SSHRC recipients. I was thinking about this... some people actually don't get the award - Granted the odds are in your favour if you've been recommended at about 9:1... but think about it - if you are in that 5 or 10 % that does not recieve an award after being recommended, you must have been bracheted in the bottom 10% of over 2,600 applications. And that is a hard lemon to swallow. Now, I don't care whether or not I win but BOY am I going to feel like I just got hit by a truck if I lose...
  11. Hello, the lists aren't for the schools they are for the discipline code you applied for (the three digits). So for all the people who applied under the same discipline code as you did, they gave out a certain number of awards (I imagine quite a few for Psychology), and you are on the reversion list if one of those applicants does not accept their award. Good question Mikaela, I might have found them on the osap website but now that I think of it, they don't really distribute any stats. I'm thinking I mixed up OGS with SSHRC and that SSHRC provided a breakdown of awards by discipline code and I might have based my remark on those spreadsheets which are found on the SSHRC website. Sorry for the misinformation.
  12. virdisun


    I'm beginning to wonder whether it will happen only after I hand in this overdue paper... I wonder if they're in the mail right now, at Canada Post sitting there, taunting us in memory - that they are all ready, fresh and sealed just sitting patiently waiting for some fat lazy government worker to get to it. And the SSHRC letters sit there thinking...."oohhh, we can't WAIT to give these poor grad students the news they have been waiting months for! Oh please Canada Post employee, do recognize us sitting and waiting for you to process us...wait - what? You're... huh? No, Uh... NO! You can't talk to your manager asking to leave early cause you're not feeling well!!! We just , uh, SAW YOU scratch your ass and sneeze.... you, uh.. no... uhh... NO!!!!! Now we have to sit here in the dark until monday" (tear rolls down SSHRC letters cheek).... til Monday.
  13. virdisun


    You're right, they don't break down the Masters stats that way between A & B list succes rates.
  14. virdisun


    Awesome thanks! My sister is at U of T so she has a 60% success rate, as much as I want it, I almost want her to get it more than me!
  15. virdisun


    I think it would REALLY SUCK to be in the 5% that loses... York's success rate is really high it's been around 100% for a while with the exception of recommendations made for non A-class students
  16. virdisun


    dramanda, if you know anything about the odds for either masters or doctoral awards that would be great too (my sister is applying)
  17. virdisun


    Masters level... please tell me you know something... I've spent the past three hours doing nothing but SSHRCing
  18. virdisun


    I called them, they said the results will be mailed out last week of August, Early May - and because of their 'proactive' disclosure I DOUBT the results will be posted online before you get your letter (see last years CGS results for masters/doctoral students was posted in August).
  19. virdisun


    Ok, I am absolutely freaking out about SSHRC - Earlier in this forum people were talking about success rates. I'm absolutely baffled at what our odds are. Looking at past statistics, York University (the school I am attending) has about 100% success rate for its forwarded applications, I am aware that U of T does as well and these two universities have the highest quotas forwarded grad applications. I understand some schools have application quotas as low as 5 or 10. However, based on SSHRCs website, it seems that the success rate is 50% which is questionable for me because either that means other universities do quite poorly, or that SSHRC gets approximately 1,300 independent applications. I am so confused~ Does anyone have information on success rates of A-list applications???? It would totally suck if I was the only loser to not get SSHRC having been recommended by my department!
  20. virdisun


    Has anyone heard anything???
  21. virdisun


    I just came on to plea for my sanity as well, I have a huge paper overdue and I can't focus on it - I'm OBSESSED with figuring out my odds for SSHRC, how can they torture us this way?! It is inhumane, seriously... I'm in the grad lounge about to scream!!!!
  22. I am in a similar position, I am ranked number 3 on the reversion list but because of my obsessiveness I have been looking over the statistics since about December. I think it depends on which program you applied to... I applied to multi & interdisciplinary studies which usually is not awarded more than 15 awards every year. If this is the case (for this year) you might be able to figure out that most people applied for SSHRC and OGS - meaning that a few of those people will be awarded both. For those who applied to programs with much higher award payouts (probably Psych being one of them) your chances may be higher. I am just KICKING Myself for not applying in the same category as my department - environmental studies (I think I would have had much greater success there).
  23. virdisun


    The process for SSHRC awards is that they are first ranked by your department. After they are ranked by your department they are ranked by your Graduate department in either the A-list or B-list. If you are on the A-list your application is forwarded for recommendation for an award. The graduate department usually notifies you if you made the A-list. Hope that helps, best of luck!
  24. virdisun


    My statement sucks and I am disappointed at all the people who I'd asked to read it who did not catch the MOST OBVIOUS mistakes on the statement. Yes. Do Not read your SSHRC statements. I have read mine at least once a week since I found out I was A-listed. Bad Idea. I am now absolutely convinced that there is no way in hell any intelligent person would give me money for my research. No way. In hell.
  25. virdisun


    That's hilarious... I called SSHRC yesterday, guys - we're not going to hear anything til the first week of May.
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