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Posts posted by FlamingoLingo

  1. I don't really have any experience in your subject area, but I had fun finding scholars in my field by going back and looking at the authors of the major articles I've worked with. I looked up the article author(s) and also some of the authors of the main works mentioned in the footnotes/endnotes. It definitely wasn't foolproof, but it was a good way to get me to look at institutions that I wouldn't necessarily have before, or universities that I knew had someone who wrote things I was interested in.

  2. This is probably the best topic. 


    Just finished an interview with CUNY=I am freaking out, reliving the terrible experience in my head.

    Here are some encouraging words: selective perception. I bet you're only focusing on the parts that may have been slightly rough (because interviews always have awkward patches) and not on the parts that were amazing! For example, the fact that you even had an interview with CUNY is seriously something to celebrate :)!


    Here's another encouraging word: petrichor.   Just because it's an awesome, useful word

  3. I'm sure my application was looked at for no more than 60 seconds. I really applied to Vandy, Duke, Chicago, and NYU just because I'm a masochist. I know realistically that these schools do not want me, but... but. but.

    Hey, if I've learned anything from this process, it's that we don't know.   And, you're awesome enough to already have an acceptance and fellowship in hand. I think that's impressive

  4. If I were to describe the general forum atmosphere, I'd say it's pretty tense. Thick with stress. Unfun. You know, all those types of things.


    BUT, it's all going to be okay, guys. No matter if we get accepted to 5 or rejected to 15 or waitlisted to 3 or whatever, we are still unique, passionate individuals who will find our ways! Everything for a reason, and it will all turn out well!


    In the spirit of lessening the stress of this board at least a little, let's use this thread to post encouraging words, sites, quotes, or anything that helps to make our days a little less tense!


    Happy February, and keep your chins up!



  5. So I've been lurking for awhile (since September probably, nbd), and I just want to say how comforting it is to see other people going through the same thoughts and actions. I mean, of course I wish that this whole process were easy and that stress was just completely out of the question, but because it's not it's nice to see others who are of the same (palpitating and anxious?) heart!

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