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Everything posted by HS2013

  1. They said there would be a decision after the 25th.
  2. Just to second that: Duke was pretty incredible, lots of PI's doing exciting stuff, and all very easy to talk to.
  3. I should have thought to figure out who all of you were, I think I have a good idea (I have the baby picture in the interview group...). Hopefully we will know within two weeks
  4. Hershey's bar
  5. I didn't see it in the results, so: I was emailed an invitation for Brandeis Neuro earlier today! I actually thought they were going to send these out much later, makes me nervous for the other schools with late interview invites... i.e. UCSD and Rockefeller for me!
  6. Pretty much what I got too, but I don't know what I was expecting.
  7. Same thing happened to me, kind of unexpected without the call!
  8. Sorry, just posted it. Yeah... I agree it will be pretty exhausting, haven't quite thought through how I am going to deal with it.
  9. I got an invite to Columbia this morning! Very unexpected. Seems they are sending them out over many days. Feb 7-8 seems like a very popular interview spot for these programs (Duke, Cornell, UW-Madison, and now Columbia Neuro.,)
  10. I know what you mean, even if they all came out over two weeks it would be better. I see there is an interview for columbia neuro up on the results page, anybody here get an invite yet?
  11. I have an interview at Princeton. Nothing in the emailed letter mentions anything about how/if they plan on sending out future invites, but I haven't heard back about travel arrangements yet. I will be sure to post something or message you if I get the impression they are sending more out.
  12. Did anybody ever hear back about travel arrangements from UCSF?
  13. I was invited for an interview. Sorry about the ambiguity
  14. I heard this morning, but I do not know if they were all sent out at once.
  15. I think that is a safe estimate, thanks for the info!
  16. Thank you! I did my undergraduate at a public research university and will have 2 years as a postgraduate research technician. I would like to know this as well... did you figure it out?
  17. Harvard Neuroscience! Jan 24th-27th
  18. Congrats! (I just got one too!)
  19. power stroke
  20. I feel you. This happened to me today with a dentist, just a secretary giving me my 6 month reminder...
  21. I was told by the end of the week things would be sorted out... No confirmation though.
  22. 3:15 for me (east coast)
  23. UCSF Neuro has started sending out invites! (rec'd by email)
  24. @ryancho Thanks for the link, I also applied to Princeton (hope to see you at interviews!). Good luck on your Skype interview. Have an oscilloscope ready for the background. I noticed Duke neuro also posts some statistics: http://neurobiology....uate/stats.html For those who have not seen it, there is also a spreadsheet with some statistics from 2006... no idea how things may have shifted since then. http://www.nap.edu/r...record_id=12850 Does anyone have something else I can add to my anxiety with?
  25. The only neuro invites I have heard of so far are from UPenn, and now the strange Skype request from Harvard... I also had problems finding any hard deadlines except for the Harvard page. Does anyone have a good idea of the number of applicants in these, for lack of a better designation, top 20ish programs?
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