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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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  1. Got my acceptance call from University of Kansas today. So excited! First acceptance with funding. I already got in to two other schools and was waitlisted for funding at one, while no word on the TAship application for the other.
  2. Hi there! I am considering the PhD program in English (rhet/comp) at UNL for Fall 2016. Waiting on funding, but was accepted today. This isn't Lincoln specific, but how do you like the department? What is your emphasis?
  3. Let's hope so. I've already got one email with a rejection, and apparently they notify early (Ohio).
  4. I'm supposed to present at a conference in the Spring and I'm wondering what software to use for the presentation. I regularly use Powerpoint and I'm most comfortable with it, but I recently came across Piktochart, which can be used for making infographics and in presentations. I'm just curious if anyone has experience using this for presentations and if you can share how it went? I haven't written the paper this is on just yet, and will probably be presenting this as current research (which it is), rather than a finished piece, so a presentation vs. reading is what I'm going for. Thoughts?
  5. When I was working on my Master's I had two items in my tiny office at school (seriously, it was a small cubicle sized office, but it was all mine, so I loved it) I couldn't live without: a printer and a monitor. I used a 10" netbook at school, but the tiny screen (and hunching over to see it) was not healthy, so I got in the habit of using an external monitor positioned at eye level, both at home and my office. Well, at home I just used my large TV as a monitor and used my Asus monitor for my office. It was the best idea ever. It saved my eyes, my neck and back, as well as provided a reasonably comfortable space to work on campus where I spent more time because I'd procrastinate at home. The other item was a $25 printer (I think it was an HP) I used to print lesson plans, last minute handouts, etc. for teaching and also when I'd finish a paper for my own seminars, I'd print it out there instead of at home (where I also had another cheap but invaluable printer). So, to sum up my verbose answer: no, having two monitors (one at home and one at the office) is not excessive. It might be just what you need. One last suggestion - my office had those horrible fluorescent lights on the ceiling of each office (no windows in my office), and I noticed that once I chose to use a standing lamp with a regular daylight bulb in it, my eyes would be less strained by the end of the day. It wasn't as bright, but it provided enough light and was perhaps just right for me.
  6. I will begin SDSU's Rhetoric and Writing Studies MA program in Fall 2013. Anyone else going to SDSU for the upcoming Fall?
  7. I got my BA from TAMUCC and lived off campus on Ennis Joslin Rd (The Shores apartments), just a few minutes from campus and before that, I lived on Staples near Saratoga (Camden Copper Ridge). I can't speak for other complexes, but The Shores, while sort of okay, has small apartments with a lot of reported break ins. Your window is right next to the front door and it's easy to break in. I put large bookcases in front of them (cutting out light, of course, but with the heat there it wasn't necessarily a bad thing). I also lived on the 1st floor, which is not always a good thing in that area. The location of my apartment had a lot of flooding with heavy rains and the step up into my apartment was only an inch or two. I had to walk from my parking space on the other side of my building (on a sidewalk) through two inches of puddles when the water wouldn't soak into the ground anymore. Keep that kind of stuff in mind. The apartments on the Ennis Joslin side (there are two locations for this complex - Shores I and Shores II) have carports, one per unit. There is NO outgoing mailbox on the Shores II side, so you'll have to walk to the main apartment office for that. You also have to mail things out during the office hours. This may not be an issue for you if you don't mail things out a lot. I lived in the ground floor unit here so I heard EVERYTHING from upstairs, and while that is common in apartments, it was especially loud here, and since the walls are thin, noise really carried. The Camden complex is nicer, has covered parking that you have to pay for if it's available (I chose to get it because I wanted a cooler car when I left mid-day). I lived in a ground floor and 2nd floor unit in Camden. The top floor apartments get warmer very fast (obviously) but keep that in mind if you don't want to run your a/c all day, but I did quite a bit. The heat may not get as bad some days, but the humidity is high and it makes the apartment stuffy. This was definitely the nicer complex of the two I lived in there, and it is the pricier, too. I would have moved back to Camden Copper Ridge if I'd stayed there to get my MA, but I left. If you want to know about other complexes I can see if friends know of any and get details about specific places you're considering. Or other things around town, though I wasn't much of a partier, so I can't help too much with social scenes/bars/clubs, etc (not that you'll be into that or have time for it). Check out Catfish Charlie's for killer fried catfish plates and the best jalapeno hushpuppies I have ever had (awesome tartar sauce). Seriously, I crave those little fried things.
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