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Posts posted by kglad

  1. I was finally able to fix my Iowa password, so I decided to check my status, saw a simple "Admission decision: Not Accepted"


    Thanks for the heads up, Iowa... :(

    Yeah, I was disappointed that they couldn't bother to send email or letter notification. At least an email to say "your application decision is available online... yadda yadda"


    Well phooey! We've only got a couple to hear back from. My WSU and U of KS still show "submitted" or "completed." I am still secretly holding on to the dream of moving up from Wait List at Penn State, though I probably won't. The answers will be revealed soon.

  2. Kglad, have you heard anything yet from WSU? I saw a result or two but haven't heard anything else. Seems like a long time since someone had news.


    I checked on the status at WSU today using the zzusis login. My status is still showing as "submitted."


    University of KS also shows as "submitted."


    Alternatively, if people decline their Penn State offers, I may be bumped from Wait List to Accepted and that would be exciting :) Here's hoping better news soon, right?

  3. Did anyone else apply to Iowa? I can't be the only one on the board!


    Edit: Duh! Sorry, kglad. I was just reminded that you applied to BGSU and Iowa. Any news on when they will start notifying?


    Heya! I just checked my status at the Iowa website. REJECTED. I may receive an email or letter from them later, but they have started to update status online. Posted the rejection to the results page to let others know.


    BGSU's app was botched (don't ask. money was a factor), so I will get rejected from them. That leaves U of KS and WSU.

  4. Hi, 


    I am the WSU acceptance, I got the email a few days ago. I visited them two weeks ago--my interview must have went well. It was the only American Studies program I applied to. All of my other programs are in Communication. 



    Good luck all! 

    Congrats! I will take this to mean that I will most likely get rejected by WSU, since I didn't get an interview or go for a visit.

  5. wasn't me on either GWU or SUNY. didn't apply to either of those programs, but here's to hoping I'll have something to be congratulated about soon! :D

    Well there ya go! I didn't have enough coffee until recently and maybe I was just having a psychic moment. Hope that's true and you get accepted! Now I'm going to go see what the hell I *thought* I was trying to actually say... :huh:

  6. Just for giggles, I went to a Magic 8 Ball websites and asked about admissions by university, with funding of course.


    Here were the replies:

    Penn State, yes, absolutely.

    Washington State: my reply is no

    U of Iowa: my reply is no

    Purdue: most likely

    U of Kansas: my sources say no

    Indiana U: reply hazy, try again. second attempt resulted in my sources say no.

    Bowling Green: I botched something in the app, so I didn't ask the 8 ball. I will be rejected.


    Once the results are all in, I might come back and see how in/accurate that Magic 8 Ball website was.

  7. Congrats, kglad, here's to more good news coming your way!

    congrats kglad!

    Thanks, notaprettygrrrl and phigirl! Here's hoping good news is coming. Hope the rest of the universities get some responses out soon.



    and congrats, sidewalks and phigirl on your acceptance notices from GWU and SUNY Buffalo, respectively! Getting an acceptance is great news!

  8. Just got my first Waitlist letter! Penn State sent a nice letter from Simon Bronner dated Feb 12 and posted it alrady to the results forum. My first name is unisex and they called me Mr., but I'll still accept a funded offer from them if I get bumped to accepted.


    I see a person or two on the forums got accepted by Penn State. Please let them know if you are accepting/rejecting the offer soon (:



  9. Pericles, you and I are in the same boat. Also, I knew I was going to apply for PhD in American Studies, I just thought I'd wait a year first... until my husband and I talked about waiting vs not waiting. Made sense to try for Fall 2013, but there was no time to contact POIs without sounding like I don't plan (waited til last minute), am a flake (occasionally, yes. academically, no), or they were my last ditch, least favorite, back up program. Eesh. No thanks, I'll just apply and see how it goes. What are your plans if you don't get in this year?


    My plan is to start contacting POIs later this spring if I don't get in, and start planning for Fall 2014 apps.


    This forum has been so great so far. I'm glad we are keeping it positive and thinking "good thoughts" about admission decisions between now and March! I saw more rejections for U of MN in the Results page and I really don't feel so bad about it anymore. Seeing applicants who have (much) better GPA/GRE scores getting rejection letters, too, makes me realize just how small of a chance I had of getting in.


    Best of luck to all and congrats, PhDreams, on your interview. Rock 'em, sock 'em!

  10. I was thinking of painting a few small acrylic paintings to give my referees after the final batch of letters are in. One writer had a really tough time of it, and I promised her chocolate chip cookies, so I will bring a few dozen to her workplace for sharing with coworkers.


    Since others raised questions about ethics etc, maybe I'll ask the professors what their school/workplace policies are regarding gifts. Some may be fine as long as the gift is valued at $10 or less or something. The other alternative is to give them nice thank you cards with a note saying that a donation to XYZ charity was made in their honor.

  11. Arhodg- I got email notifications from BGSU almost immediately.


    First email: 12:54 PM. Automated notification of payment received. From "choosebgsu"

    Second email: 12:55 PM. Automated notification of initial grad school application completion and that I had to do additional documents for the program. From BGSU Office of Admissions.

    Third email: 1:14 PM. Automated notification of upload instructions with link and document requirements for the American Culture Studies program. From Andrew M. Schocket.


    I just submitted the documents a short while ago. I really tweaked my "base" statement to reflect my goals and interests in the unique BGSU program.

  12. Arhodg- I chose upload, too, and hopefully will get the email with instructions. If it doesn't show by Monday, I will email the documents like you did. Already paid, might as well make sure the application gets completed.


    Which track did you pick at BGSU? I had a hard time choosing, since both *could* work well for my research topic, but from different approaches. I ended up choosing Ethnicity, Gender, and Social Identities. I would take a Film Studies Minor with that.

  13. What makes you not optimistic, kglad? You're at Minnesota now, right? I figure you might have some inside info ;)


    arhodg, statistically my chances are not good at UMN. Then again, I worry over minor things. I didn't get any inside info, I got general information like how to choose POI and so forth. Same kinds of things I'm learning here, only during a discussion with a professor. Here's hoping, though!


    While the waiting continues, I'm working on my BGSU application. I'm just getting ready to pay the application fee and start loading documents into the second, departmental application. What a weird and cumbersome two-step application process they have!

  14. Wow, this is great to read that others are getting some of the same types of emails that admins sent to me and someone (Catherine_Kiev!) is even getting nice long letters!


    After Penn State, who even sent a lovely postcard AND sent an email to let me know a couple LoR were missing, I decided to obsessively check ALL of the applications and realized another one was missing LoR so I emailed their admin/dept and was told that if I got the letter in within a few days, that the app would be "complete and on time" for review. *phew* Got that resolved with minimal pain.


    Indiana U sent a letter asking for the writing sample, which was received/confirmed in December, so I resubmitted it with a short note about its earlier timeliness. Their app due date was Jan 2, so I was freaked out, but it got resolved ok and the admin apologized for the mixup and thanked me for resending it. No idea if that means someone there is interested in me enough to desire to read my writing sample, but here's hoping!


    I sure wish some of the grad students, professors, etc would start calling or emailing for interviews, visits, or such. Good news would be great right about now :P

  15. Wow, everyone's got some great ways to get away from obsessing on admissions!


    Cooking, practicing music, obsessively checking my email, watching documentaries, watching tv series from front to back, and watching "comfort" movies, and rereading my favorite novels. Yoga helps when I do it. Oh, and the occasional night of wine seems to help, too, and getting together with friends for board games, music, and movies.


    Thankfully the new semester started, so I'm getting some good distraction while working on my Master's. Otherwise, I would obsessively refresh my email inbox and fret even more than I am.


    Cooking is by far my most productive activity to reduce stress. I'm working on a few recipe modifications because I like to think of recipes as a suggestion or guideline for ways to make yumminess happen.

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