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Panama Slim

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Posts posted by Panama Slim

  1. For those of you still looking for programs/having poor luck, I received this email from a list serv-



    I am writing to announce that we have funding for exceptional PhD students in our department-- students must apply for next year to be considered. Please email me directly for details.  scrate1@gmu.edu



    Susan A. Crate

    Associate Professor of Anthropology

    Department of Environmental Science and Policy

    George Mason University

    David King Hall, MS 5F2

    4400 University Drive

    Fairfax, Va  22030-4400

    tele:  703-993-1517

    FAX: 703-993-1066



    Unless I am missing something, they only have an MA in anthropology listed on the schools webpage.  Could not see any information on a PhD.

  2. I'm a newbie around here, and I'm having very discouraging time with applications this round. I was wondering if any of you who have received acceptances in socio-cultural anthropology would be willing to discuss your credentials a bit further? I desperately want to come to terms with my rejections and being passed over for interviews, and I think it would be really helpful for me to hear from you all.


    A bit about me: I graduated summa cum laude from a highly-ranked liberal arts college, where I majored in anthropology. I have a regional focus, which I have been exploring since I was a freshman, and years of language training. I have also worked for a number of esteemed professors at several colleges and universities. My GRE scores were not great, but I scored in the 91st percentile in english and was hoping that would suffice. I have recommendations from professors I consider dear friends as well as mentors, and I received positive feedback from both programs I was rejected from (in addition to a third, where I also presume I'm out of the running).


    So far I have been rejected from two programs. I have not been chosen for interviews at another five schools. What gives?!?!




    I am waiting it out like you, so my comment may not be the best.  


    You sound good on paper, but most of us do as well.  It might come down to fit.  What are your interests and do these institution match up?  Were you able to highlight your fit well in your SoP?  Did you apply only to the tippy-top programs?  I have seen many very well placed, highly credentialed applicants on this board.  There is some great competition out there for very few spots.  Maybe you are just getting the bad luck of the draw.


    Just my two cents on it.

  3. Wow, the website is amazing. Is everything on their yours? I love anthropology. Are you applying to visual arts or anthropology? What time period(s) do you concentrate on, or is it every period, including contemporary? It sounds really exciting, i'm kind of jealous


    Thank you very much for this compliment!  I hope the adcoms feel the same way.  Indeed, everything is my work, except the music.  I am applying to sociocultural anthropology.  One program, does have a strong connection to it's visual arts department.  Historically speaking, it would be from late 1700's to now, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil and the US.  Visually, well, anyplace I can get in a camera.  


    This has been a passion of mine for many years. I wish everyone good luck in following theirs!

  4. I am in this club, at 43. This will be my second bite at the grad school apple, as I already have a JD and an MBA. But this time... It's personal. I get to study what I love and not just what pays! Wishing everyone good luck!

  5. In terms of people checking my online info, I have a website that exhibits my ethnographic photography that I referenced in my application.  I actually set this up before I started thinking about graduate school.  I use google analytics to monitor my site.  Imagine my surprise when several computers for the city of my top choice started accessing my site. It doesn't tell me who, but does show when, which pages were viewed and for how long.  It also doesn't mean that they liked anything that they saw.  But I know somebody over there saw it.

  6. The best way to suppress bad stuff is to pump out good links to the information you want known.  Make you linkedin and other profiles public to get them to the top of the search results.  Keep them fresh and very professional.  A separate twitter account, with your name, that you use for professional stuff and another with an alias for the crazy stuff.  At least two facebook accounts, one for show, one for the fun stuff.  


    I think at some point soon, not having an online persona will be looked at as weird and problematic.  

  7. Looks like I am the oldest of the bunch, at 43!  


    I think my chances are just as bad as all our chances here.  Lots of people wanting very few spots and limited funding.  Having the credentials doesn't always get you in and lacking the credentials doesn't always keep you out.  Good luck to everyone reaching for the gold ring... unless you are applying to my top choice!!  LOL!

  8. I received an email from FIU that my application has been referred! (With exclamation mark.) What does that mean?


    I did as well. Spent at least a whole second excited before the true meaning sunk in.

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