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Posts posted by Theo-Be

  1. Reno's rankings seem completely impressionistic and biased. See for instance this post: http://tacet.wordpress.com/tag/graduate-theology/

    <<A brief recap: Marquette in 2006 suffers from the “liberal-revisionist agenda” of the Jesuits, but in 2009 it has “avoided the narrow parochialism of the now old and often narrowly liberal Catholic theology.” In 2006, it is not quite cut out for the top ten, but in 2009 it is number five in the country. Onward.

    Fast forward a bit to 2010, where Marquette drops from fifth to sixth: “alone among Jesuit doctoral programs, the theology department at Marquette has as its greatest strength the fact that it is not hobbled by the increasingly superannuated agenda of liberal Catholic theology. The faculty in historical theology and systematic theology don’t necessarily jell into a corporate personality, but professors such as Ralph Del Colle and Susan Wood are pushing forward, trying to discern the possibilities for Catholic theology in North America after the collapse of the short-lived but once ruthlessly dominant Rahnerian consensus. Some of the avatars of the declining Rahnerian approach still teach at Marquette, but the theologies of Hans Urs von Balthasar and St. Thomas are also well represented … Marquette’s biggest liability is Marquette. It’s a fine institution, but it lacks the overall atmosphere of academic excellence that one finds at most elite universities, and this invariably holds back the theology department as well.” While I take issue with the final comment, that Marquette “lacks the overall atmosphere of academic excellence that one finds at most elite universities” (we do just fine, thank you), not much has changed between 2009 and 2010.

    Fast forward two more years, to 2012, and it would appear that we (Marquette) have barely made Reno’s cut. We place ninth overall, just before the University of Dayton: “in the past I’ve given Marquette University good marks. Lately staffing has changed. Ralph Del Colle passed away earlier in the year, and Alexander Golitzen left to become an Orthodox bishop. This tilts the program in the direction of dead-end liberal Catholicism. There are still good folks there (Mickey Mattox, Stephen Long), but it’s less congenial than it once was.”>>

    It's all going to come down to who you want to work with and how much money the school has to offer. Look for the scholars that you want to work with, apply to those schools, hope you get in and that they can provide you full funding plus a stipend. When looking for whom to work with, consider not only the kind of work they do but also the kinds of students they produce, how much attention and support they give to their students, and their track record of placing students in desirable jobs.

    And let's be honest, for the benefit of those new to the field, the top candidates in theology and ethics year-in and year-out tend to come from a handful of schools: Yale, Duke, U. Chicago, Notre Dame, UVa, Princeton U., Harvard, and maybe Emory and Vanderbilt. People can dispute it all they want, but these 7 (9?) schools tend to dominate the field. Does it mean you can't make it if you're coming from the GTU or Drew or CGU? No, it'll just be much harder.

    Lux Lex Pax:  do you know anything about loyola chicago?  i'm totally regretting not having applied to duke and vanderbilt.

  2. Hey y'all,

    I don't know who was admitted to Religion and Modernity at Duke - I don't specifically remember meeting anyone at the prospective weekend but that may have just been because I didn't sit near them.  I actually applied in R&M originally, but they moved me to Christian Theological Studies (where I was accepted).  I'll be accepting Duke's offer and have withdrawn from the Moral Theology interview at Notre Dame.  I wrote the ND folks early in the week hoping that they would be able to invite someone else for the interview weekend.       

    congrats.  i wish i was the one receiving your interview but i haven't heard from nd!  duke is fantastic, all the best!


    Texas or Toronto?



    Also, not to rub salt in the wound for anyone that doesn't have an acceptance yet, I completely struck out last year so I've been there; but, does anyone else with more than one acceptance feel guilty like they're in some weird academic love triangle and are leading on their suitors? I've been feeling bad for the last week or so when I got my other offer. I couldn't put my finger on why until last night when I realized it feels just like I'm leading women on, showing interest in them, but still flirting with others all the while knowing I'll have to dump all but one. They're all so positive and optimistic about our futures together...I feel like a cad. Maybe I should take this to the psychology forum.

    ha ha.  i'm not in that love triangle having only one acceptance and one wait list though i did receive four emails from folks at loyola chicago.  with boston college (where i really want to go) i received an email saying "i hope you'll keep thinking of us because we're thinking of you."  but of course i'm not accepted there!

  4. Was just notified via email that I've been accepted to Boston College PhD (Biblical Studies track)!


    ...was a bit odd that this was done via email rather than phone, skype, or snail mail. Looks like I'll have some serious choices to make pretty soon.

    congrats!  i just received an email that I've been put on a very short wait list.  :)  here's praying and here's to some serious discernment for all of us!

  5. I know about one acceptance and one rejection into the ethics program. I still haven't heard anything. They could just be sending them out at random...I'm not so sure. I've only heard from these two individuals and otherwise, I don't know of anyone else that has been accepted or rejected. Don't lose hope!

    i don't know how to quote body politics too but basically i just talked to the admin asst.  they only accept two people in ethics. 

  6. I'll send you a PM :) I haven't heard from anyone else and as far as I know, no one else has either.


    I'm assuming I have an implicit rejection from ND and Loyola because I  know interviews were sent out for ND (and apparently acceptances from Loyola!) but otherwise, I'm refreshing  my e-mail every 2.5 seconds waiting :)

    thanks.  yeah, pretty disappointed about notre dame.  driving myself and my family crazy.

  7. Congrats! We applied to all but one of the same programs in theological ethics. The one program that I didn't apply to that you did is an institution I already attend! You must have good taste :)


    I never received an acceptance email from Loyola, though. I was told I would be notified via postal mail. I suppose if you got one though, then I probably didn't make the cut! Congrats, though! That's so exciting!

    which institution do you already attend and have you heard from any others?  BC, ND, etc.?  I actually know the least about Loyola Chicago of all the programs I applied to.  I suspect Duquesne will not contact for a while.

  8. HI all, I just got an email of acceptance to Loyola Chicago for Integrative Studies in Theology and Ethics.  I'm excited since I hadn't heard from Notre Dame and was worried I wouldn't be accepted anywhere.  It includes full tuition, $18K stipend, and health insurance.  I am hoping to talk more at length with them and learn more.  Anyone else?  Will post on results soon.

  9. Get a temporary phone -- Net10, straight talk, etc, that can call internationally.  Have someone you trust check your email (etc) while you are out, and check in with that person daily.  The no-contract plans will keep you safe from further subscription to the cell phone once you return.  We actually use these phones for our cell phones so we weren't roped into a contract anymore (and they are VERY cheap nowadays).  Better to spend a little to communicate over something so important than to miss the info and possibly delay your chance to talk with professors, etc. 

    see my above response.  but also, seriously, i think i just am dying to contact admissions and hear something!  ha!

  10. Can you have someone you know and trust check your e-mail and call you if the need should arise?

    yeah i don't know why i didn't think of that.  of course, my husband can do it and i'll have access to phone just not internet (going to rural haiti!).  in 2001 when i was waiting on master's programs a best friend checked my email for me while i was away on a mission trip!  thanks!

  11. hi everyone, i'm going to be out of the country march 2-9 with no access to email.  should i email admissions folks this information or no?  i will have access to phone...appreciate your thoughts!

  12. Posting this since I appreciated knowing when other invites went out. I got an e-mail today setting up a Skype interview with the University of Chicago. So much for my theory that I need not worry about nervously checking my inbox on the weekends. ...

    congrats!  does anyone have a guess when bc will come out?

  13. Just moved my family (wife and 8-month old) 2,700 miles to do a Masters.  If I get into a PhD program, it'll mean another move in a couple years.  While I can't offer advice as someone who's been through it, I can offer the perspective as someone who's in it.  It's crazy stressful, but so long as you keep the main thing the main thing, i.e., family first, and have a supportive spouse/family, it's very doable. 


    Just shot up a quick prayer for you. Blessings.

    Thank you theo.phil.us!  I am praying for my vocation.  I'm the mom, we have two boys under five, and my husband is a fellow theologian.  Academia is an interesting profession particularly religion scholars and theologians.  I appreciate the kindnesses mentioned on here.

  14. I just received word from the admissions advisor that BC wants to do a Skype interview with me. The program's website says a personal interview may be requested, not that one is required.


    Is this a good or a bad thing?

    can you share your specialty?  did you get an email or phone call?

  15. I just heard from Baylor. I was invited to interview during their preview weekend in February. 


    It's a happy day. 

    I posted my results, but I mistyped my GRE scores (for some reason they reversed the order on results submission form). 

    My actual scores were: V: 167 Q: 153 W: 5.0

    congrats!  you have much better GRE scores than me!

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