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Everything posted by amirah

  1. And hey, just throwin' it out there to the ETA's: I am a current ESL teacher and taught in France for two years as an English assistant in the same program Fulbright uses, but I applied to and worked directly for the French government. Ask me anything, anytime.
  2. UPVOTE! Yeah!! Go Team Go!
  3. Just found out about 30 mins ago.
  4. Heya, I got a little frustrated with some people on here complaining about the randomness of the thread so I left. I am sad that I only got an alternate but happy that they didn't just chuck my application entirely! I am pretty bummed but on the other hand I can start my PhD work with my cohort in the fall. Hmmm, no matter how much 'look on the bright side' I try to do I am still just bummed... ahh well, there is still hope right? Right?
  5. Looks like the Middle East is finally starting to notify.
  6. One thing this got me thinking about though was frankly, why does it matter to know about notifications anyway? Short of congratulating people and trying to find patterns realistically until you get that special email all your own which informs you of your status what does having another thread with results only accomplish? I am super happy for the people for whom the waiting is over but the fact that Peru has reported doesn't really tell me anything, does it? It seems like just one more thing to agonize over. I find the spreadsheet really helpful because you can quantify the data and see it very quickly (don't forget you can sort it how you choose) but I also really, really like spreadsheets so that may just be me :-). It's also a little frustrating in a way to think about how some people just want precisely what they can get out of this and nothing more, because I really do feel like this forum has some of that community feel. So while all of our comments are related to the overall application, waiting and final process some do have more tenuous links than others. Isn't that what a forum is about? Shouldn't we be able to come here and learn about teaching techniques, research ideas, other programs and so much more. Having a forum strictly for results kind of feels like the typical American neighborhood, the kind where everyone mows their own lawn and never, ever talks to the neighbors. I am glad I live in an atypical neighborhood. I guess I just think that for me participating fully means I get to benefit fully and a results only thread not only duplicates the spreadsheet but also provides an easy out for people not interested in being in an actual forum. Ok, I am so going to stop running at the mouth and get back to my lovely spreadsheets and get something useful done! Daylight savings always messes me up.
  7. I think the Google spreadsheet does a good job of that as long as people update it.
  8. Hmmm, however you do not have to go through your school to apply. Remember that anyone can apply. Recommending on the official level comes much later at the Fulbright level. Fulbright does require that if you are a matriculating undergrad and/or grad you must go through school channels and of course if you are not a matriculating student you can apply at-large. But the on campus process is just to make sure Fulbright does not get dud applications. The school cannot throttle the number. I applied technically at-large but I chose to go through my Universities process so I could benefit from the help and the on campus interview but they had absolutely nothing else to do with my application and no real control about whether or not it would go on to the Fulbright committee. That was my choice. So I suspect that in schools which seriously control the matriculating applicants your idea has some weight but it still does not completely explain why there is, in my view, a startling lack of applicants. Secretlyismaili said it wasn't even advertised and I am not sure it is heavily advertised at UWashington but I see little Seattle U. on the list and I find that really surprising. PS Also if we carry the logic through that a school of 42,000+ could only find 141 applications worthy of being passed on is quite shocking. PPS By the way, this isn't true: "Yes, you have to realize that the number is most likely so small because Universities like this choose the best candidates. This means that the student must be a graduating senior (of course), and he/she must stand out in some ways."
  9. Ok, so coming back to the Fulbright, but not on a current topic precisely, I was just struck by how few people apply overall. I realise the application is pretty intensive but I have applied for or been involved in other grant processes and I don't know that it is really that much more excruciating. I found this list of Top Producers of U.S. Fulbright Students by Type of Institution, 2012-13 and I am really struck by how few people actually apply. In a quick search I see that U. Mich @ Ann Arbor has over 42,000 students and yet they only have 141 applicants?! I think thats kind of amazing and puzzling. I know that the quality of the FPA can make a difference but still that is quite a disparity. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want any more competition :-) but I really can't fathom why the numbers are so very low for such a prestigious award.
  10. Well said! Thank you! If I had an upvote to give you would get it. I enjoy learning a little about the community of people who have applied for the grant and I believe that our conversation which has ranged from teaching certifications to politics (careful, careful) to TV shows has an applicable use to people engaging in all sorts of things including anxiety relief and travel prep. I would love to meet some of you someday and I thank you for participating. I think the deal is : if you would rather only know when something important happens check in once in a while or wait for an email from IIE. Otherwise we welcome you to our little band of neurotics and thank you for your participation :-).
  11. Its the same doc. Choose the sheet you want from the tabs at the bottom.
  12. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmoTe-gJd4B9dFJ0aW1mYTVkYnhKcUEzR28yRTNwdlE&pli=1#gid=1
  13. OMG I am cracking up...I need the laughing emoticon with tears streaming. I have to get off this list and get something done. How about a little to make the time race by...or slow it down with a little Koko Taylor or just weird with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghb6eDopW8I?
  14. no, i know, i was poking fun at beck the musician The Swedish crime drama however is fairly tough to come by but is part of the Scandinavian noir tradition which brings you such great things as the Millenium trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc..). If you are a Fulbrighter going to Scandinavia the books or the series are a must.
  15. Hahaaa. OMG this list is ON FIRE today. I just discovered this morning that my University financial aid office decided I am not eligible for aid because they think I have already accumulated 285 credits for a doctorate. Hmmmm. I phoned them up and said "ya know, I have forgotten a lot in my life but I am pretty sure I would have remembered doing a PhD." The financial aid lady laughed, luckily, and they are adjusting the record to make me eligible for aid. What is kind of silly though is she explained to me that the University of Washington does not have a separate category for masters and PhD so this same thing must happen to every doctoral student every finaid cycle. WTF?
  16. Beck is a Swedish cop drama. There is no music (wait, would you really classify Beck as music?). I actually own all that sh** on that list. Thank god for giant external hardrives.
  17. OMG, I have to weigh in on the TV series discussion as a serious addict. This is a warning to you all...don't join us on the dark side. However (cue chirpy music), should you like to start down that path I would also like to provide a list of escapist joy. Below is my most current TV file list :-). This has travel implications by the way. I always have to figure out what to take with me and whether I need a flash drive or an external (calculations based on length of journey, where to etc..) You can look these all up on Wikipedia. AbFab Agatha Christie (Poirot & Ms. Marple) All Creatures Great and Small Angels in America Beck Being Human, UK Cold Feet Series 1 Cranford (2007, 2009) Doc Martin Downton Abbey Dr. Who (Tom Baker & Peter Davison, the best Doctor's EVER) Fortysomething Fry and Laurie Jeeves and Wooster Kingdom Law & Order UK Parades End Portlandia Season 1 Rumpole of the Bailey Sherlock South Riding Spooks Stephen Fry In America (2008) The Avengers Complete Series (1961-1969) Season 1 to 7 The century of the self The Kingdom (Riget) 1&2 - Lars von Trier The Last Detective The Last Enemy - 5 BBC Episodes To the ends of the earth Touching Evil [uK] - Complete Series Waiting for God (1990-94 BBC) Wallander (BBC) Wire in the Blood
  18. Also reached upvote quota Absolutely!
  19. Oooo that gave me such a warm and fuzzy feeling! Thank you. I will smile for the day! Thanks for posting the question.
  20. Hows about we drop the political/taking out our collective frustrations on one person business, ok? Can't we go back to just being: > worried > anxious > refreshing emails constantly > trying to decide what we are going to be when we grow up > looking for work > avoiding work > students > not students > fill in the ___________________ FREAKED OUT members of this nice forum where we have found camaraderie and support?
  21. Just to chime in about the Groupon. I am an experienced English teacher but I don't have the certifications so after a lot of careful consideration I decided to buy that Groupon last year. I haven't actually done the course yet but I decided to buy it because I have enough experience and excellent recommendations to make up for a crappy certification granting organisation. Also I have found that you really don't need the certs to teach, but they can help you get a better pay bracket if you have them. If you do not have classroom experience though I would suggest saving your money. Really the best thing you could do right now would be to see if you can volunteer at a local school or work/volunteer at an ESL school in your area and search the internet for teaching resources. If there are colleges/universities in your town they will invariably have an ESL institute over the summer and they are almost always hiring. I am hoping to get a job with Education First (be skeptical of their town listing, the Seattle location is actually Olympia, 60 miles away from Seattle). If teaching English is really the thing you want to do and you have the time/money the CELTA is pretty much the pinnacle of certs. In any case here is a thread in which you may find some useful (and not so useful bickering) about the Groupon specifically and ESL work in general: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/thread.jspa?threadID=2191229&messageID=20440570#20440570 Also The International Educator is a posting service for international teaching jobs. It is not a placement agency but it is probably the best known clearinghouse for international teaching jobs so you will find everything from the best schools in Paris to the most fly by night outfits in the back of beyond. You can find it all on their site but you have to pay a fee, unfortunately, to see the full ads. If you join just do the most base fee, don't pay for any extras, they don't help and you can share login's because all you really need is the job details. Cheers!
  22. Hey CrystalDee, Just an FYI: my post wasn't directed at you, I don't want you to feel singled out or offended in any way! Also out user names appear in the grey/blue bar at the top of our posts :-).
  23. ABSOLUTELY!! So well put.
  24. I fear people on this forum are getting frayed. Some of that comes from winding each other up. Let's face it, realistically the vast majority of us probably have at least a month to wait. Keep that in mind. One thing I do which helps switch off the 'omg, where is that freakin' email' is planning for 'what if I don't get it'. That pretty much shuts down a lot of the anxiety because I think, at least for me, it stems from the unknown. Planning for not getting the Fulbright is something solid which I can grasp and some of those plans cross the 'what if I get it'/'what if I don't boundary'. Like taking a stats course on a MOOC, trying to loose weight :-/, getting my digital life sorted (I mean file systems, not social media), and serious spring cleaning. All useful for both contingencies. I keep seeing comments from people which are basically like: 'I have opportunities I can't give answers too'. Yes you can! Don't put your life in stasis, it makes the waiting worse. Take the opportunities because: a) any employer/school/etc.. worth associating with will completely understand that you both needed to plan for life without the Fulbright and that having received it you sure as heck are not giving it up and; 'b) what if you don't get the award and you did not take up chances offered? will they be offered again? unlikely... I really appreciate this forum and I am grateful to those who are watching and waiting with me. It is hellish but there is simply nothing we can do about it so we have to focus on that which we can control. Relax.
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