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Everything posted by nainalerom

  1. I know right? I keep getting emails from my profs because our quarter is just starting and I want to tell them to STOP!
  2. I stayed there too! I remember watching the Germany- Greece eurocup game there and everyone going crazy when they won. Good times!
  3. Congrats, I love Hamburg! Which hostel are you in?
  4. I know we'll find out eventually... But god I hope it's before April 15th.
  5. Epigenomics of spruce trees in relation to climate change at UMB (near Oslo). I hope there isn't a quota for biology-related projects! Good luck!
  6. Any day now! I also applied to Norway. Where/what do you want to study?
  7. Hi Anna, I applied to Norway, and by the looks of it so far, we're the only applicants to Scandinavia in this forum. Good luck though! Where in Denmark did you apply?
  8. Me too... Because evey day that we don't hear, it means that the next day is more likely.
  9. Pretty sure the sequester affects http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Gary-Oldman-Yelling-Everyone-Leon-The-Professional.gif
  10. Sounds interesting! I learned about the cane toad invasion in an intro to ecology course, but not frogs!
  11. Never thought I'd say this, but thank god for finals. They are a welcome distraction.
  12. The fulbright Russia petition was done by a bunch of students who don't know anything about how cuts will be made.
  13. People at IIE didn't seem to be worrying too much; who's your reliable source? Edit: their words: "We are anticipating small cuts to the Fulbright budget due to the sequester, but the majority of awards should be issued as planned."
  14. Another day, another week... Talk to y'all on Monday I guess
  15. While you're on the phone wanna ask'm about Norway? I'm only half joking
  16. Confidence is key! I already did a thesis abroad. I don't know what field you're in, but in the sciences, a lab is a lab.
  17. keep calm and turn off notifications. This forum will be about fulbright again when there's news from fulbright. I really don't see the harm in killing time.
  18. Yep that portlandia sketch is going to be you.
  19. But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler. Gonna go ahead and stop this right here before shit gets too recursive up in here.
  20. Agreed. I think the first few seasons were incredible, but it got a little too symbolic/preachy toward the end.
  21. I love firefly and game of thrones! I can't wait for season 3, the third book has been my favorite so far. Also super sad that firefly was only one season. Have you seen arrested development or the new-er battlestar galactica? Both incredible shows. Also house of cards! I'm gonna start Sherlock tonight, it has been decided.
  22. Hitler ruined the Charlie Chaplin for everyone.
  23. yes please! Any of them on Netflix?
  24. Oops I didn't mean to bring politics in here. I'm always up for healthy political discourse but this forum is probably not the right venue
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