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Everything posted by Ele-MOT_Hopeful

  1. Hi Decaf! I had taken the GRE a month ago and wished I had studied really hard. It's a 3-month prep, and most of my grad friends agree. I bombed the Quantitative part. I actually purchased the online Kaplan course this time. I realized it was faster for me to go thru problems in the book than watch the videos alongside. HOWEVER, there is a free service Kaplan provides which is called "Kaplan GRE Question of the Day" in which they email you a verbal or math problem, provide correct answers, rates your progress, and includes tips for answering the problem. I would have done both the textbook - the Kaplan Premier GRE book - and the verbal workbook (for you, it would be the math workbook). If you're rusty on your math, they have a $99 online course with plenty of quizzes. I know it sounds like you're going back to high school, but it really helped me. They have awesome tips, btw. I suggest you divide your time up between Math and Verbal because I spent too much time on Math (hence, I barely made the minimum for the grad school of my choice...but I DID do well on math). I hope this helps, and good luck! Ele
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