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    2013 Fall
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  1. Thank you. Same time next year?
  2. No no, I hope that isn't the method as I live further away than 2BHarvardedld.... but it does make sense that 50 reservations to handle at one time would be a potential nightmare (particularly handling them with excited/ nervous candidates). This is exciting to see.
  3. There was speculation over whether the candidate or Harvard pays for the interview - what did you learn? Congrats again! I hope you get in!!!
  4. So strange, and crazy on the nerves... I wonder what the method is behind the madness......
  5. Wow, what a great accomplishment, you should be so proud of yourself! I must admit, I am a bit jealous over here, but so glad that someone on the forum got one. So strange how they go out on different days.... would love to know why that is. Good luck! I have a feeling we may all be asking for pointers from you a year from now!!! In the meantime, we can all live vicariously through YOU!!!
  6. Wow - congratulations! I wish you the best. I am guessing you are our forum rep in this one! Did you get it today? Good luck!!!!
  7. I think as the week progresses, reality is kicking in for many of us on the forum (denial is a hard thing to break)..... I am going to have a happy V-day - I see now that three people listed that they have interviews. As others have said, there are thousands of applicants, probably few of whom frequent this site.... as such, that is probably a fairly representative statistic, given the overall application numbers. Just a reminder, this is the most competitive graduate program in the USA at the moment (possibly the world) with the lowest acceptance rate. The Harvard Med School has a higher acceptance rate than this program. Pat yourselves on the back, study the cohorts, and see what you can do to learn and grow between now and next year. Also, remember that when the numbers get that high, there are many many MANY qualified candidates they just cannot take. This is not really about quality, it is about having something that interests Harvard - we are all qualified. Same time next year???
  8. http://400daystil40.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/8-days-til-40-why-cant-i-win-the-lottery/
  9. http://400daystil40.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/8-days-til-40-why-cant-i-win-the-lottery/
  10. I would agree with this post completely. It would be almost impossible for me to arrange my work to get to Harvard with only 6-7 days notice - they know this. I have always said that I think the window is so that they can contact people as interviews are refused. While I do believe in hope and optimism, I also think it is critical to be realistic. There may be someone who gets interview notification between now and the 22nd... but I do not think they are processing a slew of applicants between now and then... I think they have their list, as HGSE said, and are checking people off. Does anyone know of any circumstance where Harvard accepted someone without an interview? What if a candidate was an American teacher overseas (we have seen a few here) - do you think that would automatically disqualify them because they did not want to cover airfare? Do you think if someone was interesting they might take them without interview? Hmmmmmmmmm........
  11. http://400daystil40.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/8-days-til-40-why-cant-i-win-the-lottery/
  12. Thanks, how did you find out about the process vs. the blast? How is that possible that they go out slowly? I always figured that they go out to their top choices and the window allows for spaces to be filled if people refuse the interview offer.... It would seem that they must know who they are interested in at this point....... and the 22nd gives little time to book flights, etc..... also reinforcing the question re: timing.... hmmmm
  13. performance artist
  14. I am guessing that what you do in your career will make you more competitive than the Harvard program, particularly based on the bios of the accepted EdLD candidates - Harvard does not seem to be a theme, but very high achievement and high power education positions early in careers seems to be a theme.
  15. Yes, I would LOVE to keep in touch! I think the reason this program is so competitive is there are so many people who would prefer practice based educational doctorate programs and this is the only one. I am going to have to bite the bullet, I think, and go research based, but I would have preferred to be in a practice based program. If Harvard's program is successful, I am sure more people will follow. I am considering applying to Harvard's new PhD program next year, along with the standards.... Stanford, Penn, Michigan, Vanderbilt, Rutgers, the new Hopkins program, etc. I decided that if I am going to go into a research based program, I will be applying based on whether or not there are mentors at the school I want to work with, as opposed to program reputation. Research is a very intensive process and it is critical to have the right advisor match.... I wish you the best as you continue your journey! Do you think an EdM will be worth student loans and quitting your job, etc.????
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