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    New Jersey
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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  1. Does anyone have any recommendations for an area to rent an apartment? I'm just looking for a one bedroom, parking would be a plus, and I don't have any pets. Close to campus or on the bus route would be nice, but not necessary. I'm coming from the east coast (New Jersey) so I really have no idea where to start looking.
  2. Looks like I'll be at Boise State this fall and I have no idea what to expect. Just wondering if anyone knows what the area around campus is like, and where do students normally rent off campus? I've done some research with google and the travel-wiki but nothing beats talking to someone who really knows the area..
  3. Thanks radiomars and pears! I second all the support and general awesomeness of this board. I'm still unsure if grad cafe has made the whole process easier or if it’s been pushing me ever so closer to insanity....ah who cares anymore. Good luck everyone and congrats on all the acceptances.
  4. Got an email from University of Kansas this morning. Accepted to the Masters program with archaeology concentration. Won't know about funding until mid-March.
  5. Thanks pears, and congrats on your top choice acceptance! Nothing like some good news after all this waiting. UConn told me I wont have funding with them so I wont be going there unless its my only choice.
  6. Just got accepted to UConn this morning, pending my official transcripts. Pretty excited, although I’m not clear on the funding and I still want to hear back from the other two schools I’m waiting on.
  7. Congrats ciistai! Hope it goes well for you. And pears that sounds really cool imo, I bet the NE US is a beautiful place to dig. Plus they helped you pay and you got the internship, total win/win. But yeah I'm also 22 and agree, nothing better than traveling and meeting new faces. Glad to see good news in this thread.
  8. Congrats pears! What a great way to start the day, with hopefully more good news to come. So where was your field school to?
  9. Hey pears! I ended up on the forums the same way. Lurked the shit out of the results search when I first found the site and eventually caved in and made a profile. Really cool to meet archaeology students with different backgrounds/interests. I’m mostly interested in geoarchaeology of East African human origin sites but like I said in another post I could (and certainly would not mind) end up doing Great Plains stuff. As for where I applied : Washington University in St. Louis, University of Kansas, UCONN, and Boise State. Still waiting on all 4 haha.
  10. Yeah I think we’re all a little tense. It seems like the Anthro and Arch decisions are starting to roll on in though.
  11. Good luck to you too. How is it over there on the classics board?
  12. Well as an undergrad most of the faculty in the department did their work in East Africa, and the field school I attended was also based there (Kenya) so that's my primary area of interest. However, two of the programs/POIs I applied to are North America/Great Plains focused. Personally I think Africa is more interesting but I wouldn’t mind switching things up and getting some experience on this side of the globe.
  13. Hey I'm an archaeology applicant! Still waiting on my programs aswell. From the results search it seems I should have some answers by mid-late Febuary. The wait is killing me..
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