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Posts posted by nsuri

  1.  I just remembered this gem from a long long time ago on the board: when we were speculating about whether the fulbright application committees read this forum, someone who was on some kind of college admissions board said she used to check College Confidential and that it was just full of people saying "WHATS YOU'RE GPA BRAH?!?!" That phrase has since become a joke between some friends and me at school, kind of like a greeting. So instead of "what's up dude?" we'll say "what's your gpa brah?"

    ah the myriad benefits I have accessed through you fine people.

    "What's you're GPA brah???!!!!"

    That made me lol... i remember the college confidential days. SO accurate. 

  2. Congrats! I've heard the Balkans are amazing. Someday I want to do a Croatia-Greece trip. I'm just hesitant right now because I'm a little paranoid. I know Bosnia and Montenegro are pretty safe now, but I don't know about Albania... I'm probably just ignorant though.

    Thanks! The Balkans ARE amazing. The are really underrated... and super affordable to visit! I highly recommend a trip if you're ever near the area--Croatia and Bosnia especially! And no, I don't think you're ignorant at all--Albania has a pretty bad rep, but from what I've heard it's a pretty safe place to visit as long as you use your common sense haha. Anyways, good luck! Hope you hear soon :)

  3. Good luck to you. I hope you get Bosnia. I am doing my MA thesis and actually going to move there for the last two months of my program for field research at AUBiH. Keep me posted on your results definitely in the coming months, good luck! Do you know any Bosnian-Serbo-Croatian?

    Thank you! It is nice to know you are rooting for me :) What kind of research are you doing, if you don't mind me asking-- and did you get some sort of grant to study at the American University? And to answer your question, I do know a little bit of BCS (my university offers a class, and I'm currently taking level 2 introductory BCS) but I am definitely not fluent. Working on it though! 

  4. Hello there. Long time lurker here, but this is my first time posting.
    I was recommended for the ETA in Bosnia-- any others out there for Bosnia? 


    Congrats to everyone who was recommended! 

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