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    2013 Fall
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    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. Yeah, I was waitlisted too. At this point I was just happy to hear something lol. I've made my decision to go to Montclair and getting into Brooklyn wouldn't have changed that, but it's nice to have finally heard back from everywhere! I thought my interview was awkward too, and since they only ask you one question there's no much time to redeem yourself haha.
  2. I agree with you to an extent. If someone's first choice is Brooklyn and they get accepted in May, absolutely, they'll probably just choose to lose their deposit at the other school. But if someone was on the fence... a lot of people want to just be done and to have made a decision by this point. Like in my case, I originally was definitely considering Brooklyn, but at this point I have my heart set on Montclair and even if I get an acceptance from Brooklyn that definitely won't change my decision. But if I had heard back shortly after my interview in March, maybe my decision wouldn't be as clear cut, I'm not sure. That being said, for NY residents the CUNYs are suchhh a good deal financially, so they'll probably be able to get some NY residents who had only been accepted to more expensive schools to switch over.
  3. I just find it kind of annoying because I interviewed with them over a month ago, and I've seen people on the results board who have gotten both accepted and rejected after their interviews, so clearly they're notifying some people! I feel some of us must be the equivalent of "waitlisted" and they'll determine who to accept after the first round of acceptances accepts or declines them. But still... all very weird. And I feel like it has to impact who attends because most of us waiting have committed elsewhere at this point.
  4. They just emailed me today saying to ignore their previous email about me missing the high school transcript, since that was a mistake and they don't need it. They said my application is complete and ready for review. So maybe yours is too and they sent out a lot of mistake emails?
  5. Do you mean May?
  6. For those of you who are attending Montclair: I talked to the girl I know who's in the program now to try to figure out what courses I'll be taking next semester. I'm not sure what prereqs you guys have completed, but like me the girl I talked to had completed all except for Neuro. So the courses I'll (in theory) be taking are: CSND 410, CSND 500, CSND 517, CSND 521 & CSND 534. If you have all the prereqs completed, I think you'll only be taking 4 courses, so all of those except for 410. And the good news is it doesn't look like we'll be required to take the one course that meets on Friday . With the 5 courses I'll be taking it looks like I'll have 2 a day, Monday through Thursday, so only there 4 days a week.
  7. Thanks you guys! I emailed people at both of those schools, and I heard back from Dr. Swift already. Do you happen to know how much the course ends up costing, and what dates it spans? Thanks!
  8. This is random, and I feel like someone mentioned it before in this thread but I just can't find it right now haha. Does anyone know any schools that offer neuro online over the summer? Although I can take it at school in the fall, I'm considering taking it over the summer if it's not crazy expensive.
  9. Seton Hall is very confusing. I really don't know at what point they'll notify us. Don't these schools realize that most of us had to make decisions on other schools by April 15th? I can't imagine it's going to help how many students choose to attend haha. Officially got my rejection from LIU Brooklyn, but honestly I'm happy to just have a decision lol. At this point my decision's been made, but it'd just be nice to finally have heard back from everywhere all the same.
  10. Isn't that weird? Nope, I didn't complete any CSD related courses in high school. I got AP Psych and AP Stat credit from high school, but I don't see that as being so relevant that they should be trying to get my high school transcripts haha. I don't know if I'm going to go through the trouble of sending them (considering my high school needs an in person request), when I know I won't be attending. Would've been nice to know the admissions decision though!
  11. I got this email too! Except... I had one thing that they had not received. My high school transcript... did you send that to them? I had no idea they even required high school transcripts... I never read anything about that and no other school has asked for them. And I'm with you guys... even though my decision is made I'd really like to know if I got into these schools. It's just so weird to me that we're getting to the end of April and still have schools to hear back from. I'm still waiting on 3.
  12. My check went through yesterday so I'm now able to be confident that it went through . Looking forward to meeting all of you!
  13. So weird, I just got an email from Tishonda Jones from Seton Hall saying that they reviewed my 3 syllabi and they fulfill the requirements. Except this is from like 1.5 months ago, and still no word on an admissions decision. I wonder if I'll ever here back lol
  14. Haha my mom keeps telling me I should call and confirm they got my deposit! Apparently our moms are on the same page, and are making us a little nervous. I'm sure we're just being paranoid though lol
  15. Hmmm good question. Unfortunately I think the cost is the same. Since Montclair doesn't have an CSD undergrad, any courses that are taken for CSD I imagine is through the graduate program. So I'm pretty sure the cost will be the same.
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