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  • Location
    los angeles
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    social work

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  1. I was accepted to a phd program at asu as well. I received my funding package in my initial letter.,,,thought it was kind of strange, especially sense i received the acceptance 15 days after i submitted my app. In regards to the immunization records, i am in the same boat. However, i faxed over my records after accepting their offer. BTW: Congrats on your acceptance!
  2. Keep in mind that ASU offered me very "unusual" package. A few colleagues who applied to asu last year, were not offered nearly as much as they offered me. It may be due to an increase in funding this year...but who knows :-/.
  3. up to 5 years.
  4. Has anyone heard back from University of Washington?
  5. I was accepted to Arizona State with full funding (e.g. tuition waived, living stipend, and Research Assistantship).
  6. Congrats! I went to SDSU for undergrad. I also have a few friends who are currently in the MSW program. They have described the program as very intense but they all seem to enjoy it :-).
  7. I am currently a second year MSW student at CSULA. I received a letter in the mail when i was accepted two years ago.
  8. Oh that would be great! I've never been to AZ nor visited the campus. :-/ Also, I notice you applied to UW. Have you heard anything about your application?
  9. Yup...i got rejected from Umich as well :-/. BUT i got accepted into Arizona State. So its kind of a bitter/sweet moment for me i guess :-)
  10. Hey everyone, So as i mentioned before, i received an e-mail from my top choice PhD program stating that i was wait listed, however, i applied for the early consideration deadline. The early consideration deadline guarantees students considered for funding. What i don't understand is how did i get wait listed before the regular application deadline (Feb. 15th)? Here is the actual email: Dear [name]: Thank you for your application to the doctoral program at the [school]. We had a large number of applications this year and many were very strong. Typically, we offer admission to less than 20% of those who apply. After we complete the first round of admissions, we establish a waiting list for a small number of qualified applicants who are not selected in the first round. Your application is among those now on the waiting list. If some of those to whom we are now offering admission decide not to enter the program, or if some who have accepted subsequently withdraw, we will offer their slots to persons on the waiting list. Several slots opened last year in this way. We will know by the end of April whether we will be able to offer you admission from the waitinglist. If you decide to withdraw from the waiting list during this period, please notify me. Please feel free to stay in touch with me by email during this time. Should you not ultimately be offered a place this year, you may wish to reapply for the following year, since your application was seen by the committee as having significant strength. Sincerely, [Dean] Again, how is it possible for me to be wait listed if the regular deadline folks have not been considered for admission?
  11. Congrats! i actually have a good friend who is finishing up her first year at Michigan State! Shes said nothing but good things about the school. Over the summer i the opportunity to visit Michigan (FYI: i'm from California) and i toured the school...thought it was a nice campus :-). It's totally different from schools in california but it seemed welcoming.
  12. Yea..that can be a tough especially if all of the programs are your first choice. Maybe you can ask yourself: "can i REALLY see myself living in *blank* city for 4-6 years?"
  13. Thats awesome!!! I'm so happy for you .
  14. I understand where everyone is coming from!!! i'm am so frustrated with this waiting game. A few days ago i received notification from UIC that i was placed on a wait list and a about a week after that i received a rejection from Berkeley :-(. I guess my frustration stems from the UIC wait list notification (FYI: UIC is my number one choice). All i can do now is wait for my other six schools to respond...Good luck everyone! i will keep you all posted.
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