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Master of Puppets

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Everything posted by Master of Puppets

  1. I am waiting for Chicago. I sent them an e-mail, but I haven't received an answer so far. Is anyone on the same boat as I am?
  2. I have a question for the faculty members: I am an international student from a country that does not have a tradition in political science whatsoever, and whose methods of research are quite unsophisticated (few do statistical work, and almost zero people deal with game theory, formal theory, social choice, etc). I graduated last year, and decided to go straight to a PhD program in the US. I am quite sure I will strike out this cycle, unless a miracle happens. What advice would the faculty members give to people like me? How should internationals overcome the lack of information that adcoms have? Is there any tip especifically to us? (If you want my stats, feel free to PM me)
  3. So I guess I am the only one who has not heard from Chicago after 1 month since their first admissions. I am sorry to hear that news2yous. I hope you have a better fortune next year. We are all great candidates
  4. Anyone else still waiting for UChicago? I know that they forward some applications to Mapps/CIR, but I've already seem some acceptances and rejections to these programs on the board.
  5. I am on the same boat. I just want closure with Chicago. Hopefully, a happy ending.
  6. Don't lose the faith in Chicago. Last year, people were claiming Maaps/CIR acceptances as late as March 6.
  7. I read people talking about think thank jobs, but does any one know a place that sponsors visas for foreigners? I'd love to work at one in the US.
  8. I second that! Good luck for everyone who wants to be in either NJ or Massachusetts next year.
  9. I hope so, though I think it is pretty cruel to leave candidates waiting for almost a month to tell them they were rejected.
  10. If that information is accurate, I guess the 28th will be one of the worst days of my life! But I really want some closure by now. Already started to study to the GRE....
  11. Congrats to all the Yale admits! (I really wish I was one of you) Has anyone REALLY heard from UChicago? Someone contacted them last week and they said everything would be out by the beginning of this week. This waiting is killing me!!!
  12. Good to know that I am not the only one suffering from the lack of decision of these two schools. Good luck to us both.
  13. Anyone still waiting to hear from UChicago? Also, when do you think Princeton will release their decisions? Congrats to those who got acceptances today!
  14. Princeton, according to last year will send admissions/rejections in the third week of february. Some people already claimed Chicago admissions, but there is a lingering doubt if they were all sent. Same for UCLA.
  15. Thanks man, I've been through the same GRE paranoia. Sorry if everyone panicked.
  16. Looking at the spreadsheet, though, I think we need to realize that despite the huge number of some schools, the actual number of people actually disputing the slots is smaller than the raw numbers. For instance, in some schools, if you don't have a combined score of 1400 in the GRE (321, in the new exam) you won't probably be considered . Also, some people submit their applications, but their recommenders do not upload their letters. The list could go on forever. If you trust your application, you should not worry about the large number of applicants.
  17. Dude, you should get into your dream school just by doing that. Thx a lot!
  18. I think it is unlikely that Chicago will send any new offers today, especially after someone who got rejected posted the message on the results board that anyone who was not contacted yesterday was rejected. Still crossing my fingers for UCLA, though.
  19. Thanks healthyboy, you kept the hope here! Hope you get in UChicago as well.
  20. Thanks Quigley, you were one of the first guys that I started to notice since I started to frequent the forum. I remember when you got into Davis. I hope that you get into your dream school this year. It is very hard for me to understand all this waiting and pressure, for in Brazil the admissions into universities/graduate programs is completely different. I have been trying to keep my head up and to fill my time with lots of reading (all polisci related, of course).
  21. Long time lurker posting for the first time. I've been extremely nervous for the past three to four weeks. Last year was very harsh for me - the woman that I love decided to move on, I had a horrible last semester at my university, and one of my professors forgot to put her recommendation up on two universities. Chicago has been the only one that I have applied that has had some movement, so far. I am still hoping for more action until the end of the week. If I don't see anything in my mail box by then, I will count my out of the windy city. I have been following everyone, and literally cried when I saw some people getting accepted. In some way, this website has been a great outlet for me, for I know that I am not the only one who has been going through this emotional mess. Has anyone contacted Cathy at UChicago gradschool? Hope that everyone is well, Greetings from RIo de Janeiro, Brazil
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