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Everything posted by dontgobreakingmyCUORE

  1. Hey all! I'm currently a graduate student (MS) at RPI in the physics department. I did my undergrad at RPI as well. Allow me to interject a few thoughts Troy: During the day it's nice - they're revitalizing the area and making it more of a college town. There are some new pubs (I highly recommend Finnbar) and some nice new restaurants (like The Brown Bag). The night scene isn't too bad, as long as you're smart about it. (aka don't be walking alone at 4am with your iPad and headphones out). I go out on weeknights/Saturday nights a lot, and although I'm usually with a group, I've never had a problem. Like GingerAmy said, the farmer's market is phenomenal, especially during the drier months. RPI: Although I don't have a lot of experience in the engineering program, I really enjoy being in the physics department. As long as you're willing to ignore glaring problems in the administrative side of things (the president/cabinet of the 'tute) you'll be fine. On campus activities are basically what you make of them. If you go get involved you can find something fun to do. We have 200+ clubs and organizations on campus (including some award winning professional engineering societies) so there's something for everyone. Getting quick food is pretty easy too - there are some great restaurants very close to campus (Ali Baba, Basil City, etc) as well as some quick and easy food options (like Moe's mexican food or Big Apple pizza). If you're planning on living on campus in graduate housing (City Station) I strongly urge you to visit before signing anything. They're REALLY nice as far as I can tell (brand spanking new and fully furnished), but they can be a bit expensive... Their website says ~$700/mo for a single room in a 4 bedroom apt, but I live in a single room in a 4 bedroom off-campus apt that's WAY closer to campus and only costs me $350/mo. Also be aware that you're going to be climbing hills and stairs. RPI is not a flat campus by any stretch of the imagination. Weather: It has it's own topic. The wind is pretty brutal and it is very grey from about October through March. You'll celebrate when the sun is out. RPI is very good about snow plowing/removal, but Troy isn't as much, so on campus has no problems but off campus you'll have varying degrees of icy (from "wait there's ice here?" to "holy %&@$ it's a &%@$ing slip-n'-slide!!!"). But the fall is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The leaves changing and the awesome sunsets Hope this helped!!!
  2. I had issues with UCLA's app as well... I just ended up switching browsers and everything worked out (it's my top choice so I was basically doing everything I possibly could...) The app I found most annoying was Virginia Tech, though... it was a personal thing I guess - whereas every other application only required scanned copies of my unofficial transcripts (some required mailed official ones) VTech required scanned official copies. This was especially unfortunate when I didn't know I was applying there until my research advisor made a "what do you think you're doing not applying to the school of the speaker you're having breakfast with" comment... when I was in Beijing for a conference 5 days before the deadline. As in NOT able to get a scanned copy of my transcripts uploaded before the deadline. I emailed them that morning and I got something that seemed pretty much like an automated response saying that only official transcripts were accepted. Instead I uploaded my unofficial ones with a note saying I was OFF CONTINENT.... They accepted me a week later. Gotta wonder....
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