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    2013 Spring
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bellabean's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I'm over and out after this- since I've been following for 2 years with my friend- time to get on with my own life. However, I want to share his experience in regards to this because I for one think the Anthropology Masters is important- but that's only based on what I've read here and his experiences. Directly out of Undergraduate- 1-3 (the 1, was a master's)- published, top of his class, several 4 Masters anthro courses as undergrad, research, grants, fluent in all languages he needed to be, loads of conferences & presentations - not a very "hip" topic Completing Masters 7-3 - added a few things- research assistant, international publication, anthropology recommendations, much more interesting and relevant topic, fluent in language & has traveled to the countries he'd be doing his field work. ( I should say that all of the programs he got into were fully funded with stipends of varying degree) He said not getting in the first year turned out to be the best thing for him even though it was really tough last year. I've seen that several times over the years on this board- it was true for him. But it didn't make the process either time any easier - of course it ended well for him but it really is a very stressful experience and I really feel for all of you!! He did mention in his case that there were several schools who required either an undergraduate anthropology major, or anthropology masters. Best of Luck to you all.
  2. Just email them and tell them that you really need to a few more weeks, they will give it to you. My friend had a deadline of the 28th and they extended that for him. It's really odd that they all agree to the 15th and yet play these games. But, I think they'll gladly give you the extension.
  3. I'm pretty sure just the PHD
  4. I was wrong here is what they said for what it's worth "have 9 fellowships with full tuition and a stipend of $25,000/year for 5 years, with one course of teaching per term in years 2-4; additionally, we have 4 fellowships that are tuition-only for 5 years. "
  5. I believe they said only 5 fully funded with Stipend but I know it wasn't the whole group of 13.
  6. For my friend- 8 - schools applied (3 in the UK) Great Fit (5)- Full Funding / Fellowships Little bit of a Stretch Fit (3)- Rejected from all (the UK schools haven't released funding yet but he was told he was ranked high in the recommendations and should expect to receive funding) Fit and finding a topic that intrigues several members of the faculty. He played it safe with research proposals (1-4) last year- went all out this year.
  7. You don't know what the whole story is really- they could have been in the field after undergrad, or done some sort of work experience that was equivalent to the experience of a Masters, but after seeing the rejections from my friend last year and his acceptances this year, reading the history on the boards- it is definitely rare to get into a top funded PHD program in Anthropology especially social/cultural at top programs without the MA or experience equivalent to an MA. If schools would be honest about that then applicants would approach the process differently.
  8. My friend mentioned Friday for CUNY and this week or next for Yale.
  9. Fasboo- Someone posted that NYU was finished notifying and someone had posted a Harvard acceptance they rec'd via email- and not many have posted Harvard acceptances in the past so that may be it for them- though they notify via usps, in the past there seems to have been some contact with acceptees before the snail mail.
  10. The master's gets you to the US....that's a big plus for your plans. There are always some type of jobs you can pick up on the campus to help defer the costs - the decisions really depend on your "end goal" outside of just the PHD. We are all wishing you the best!!
  11. My friend is cultural- had an interview - decisions 2nd week in March.
  12. I know it is extremely hard to have a dream that lies entirely in someone else's hands-it's especially hard with PHD programs in the Humanities because there really doesn't seem to be any clear path opf reason. Law school- it's really all about the numbers and that makes that process so much easier to deal with. It's likely when others get admits to schools, or interviews and you don't- it's possible that you did not make their cut- or they perhaps you are in a different area of studies than the group that rec'd info. The most important thing to remember is that it only takes ONE yes! And as difficult as it is to feel "rejected"- it's not a reflection of YOUR value - and if you really want something....it will be worth the wait and worth fighting for !! Take a deep breath and know you aren't alone!!
  13. I know it is extremely hard to have a dream that lies entirely in someone else's hands-it's especially hard with PHD programs in the Humanities because there really doesn't seem to be any clear path opf reason. Law school- it's really all about the numbers and that makes that process so much easier to deal with. It's likely when others get admits to schools, or interviews and you don't- it's possible that you did not make their cut- or they perhaps you are in a different area of studies than the group that rec'd info. The most important thing to remember is that it only takes ONE yes! And as difficult as it is to feel "rejected"- it's not a reflection of YOUR value - and if you really want something....it will be worth the wait and worth fighting for !! Take a deep breath and know you aren't alone!!
  14. Yes- most programs these days are requiring some masters work even though they never admit it - It's great to get some of the coursework done and help you to define your thesis- I believe a masters is required in the UK anyhow.
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