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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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  1. Hi there, I was accepted off of a wait list at a school I am strongly interested in attending only hours after accepting an offer from another program, on 4/15. What is the protocol for this situation? Any experience? Thanks!
  2. do you know how many students were accepted this year?
  3. I got off of one wait list yesterday and am still waiting on another school. Miracles do occur, so stay positive!
  4. uuuuughhhhh. neeed distraccctionss.
  5. does anyone know if schools tend to fill spots as they open up or wait until april 15th and they've received all responses?
  6. Thanks, mesoholic! As we all know by this point, this process is really, really tough. So, I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you for your ongoing support and generosity. At first, I was intimidated by this forum; but, over time, I have come to really appreciate the opportunities it has provided for me to connect with such a strong, passionate community of anthropologists. To everyone who has shown such empathy and grace these past few months: Thank you. Really, thank you: For sharing your experiences, your time, your successes, and even your disappointments. One of the things that has most surprised me about this forum is its supportive nature. So, I hope you will understand that it is in of the spirit of camaraderie that I make the following request: To those of you lucky enough to have multiple offers: I know how hard of a decision this must be; but I hope you also have the perspective to recognize how lucky you are to have choices. And, to be more direct, I hope you'll think of the rest of us, hanging out here in limbo, as you make important decisions as swiftly as possible! Best wishes to all of you.
  7. I sent an e-mail to the DGS and she told me I was on the waiting list. She should be able to tell you what's up!
  8. I'm waiting for someone to turn down an offer at UPenn or Princeton (both socio-cultural) so I can get off the wait list. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  9. I'm waiting for someone to turn down an offer at UPenn or Princeton (both socio-cultural) so I can get off the wait list. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  10. Same deal. Wonder what it means (if anything).
  11. I hope someone turns down their spot, and soon! I'm on the wait list and would be absolutely thrilled to take a spot.
  12. Does anyone know how many people Princeton accepted this year?
  13. Thanks so much and GOOD LUCK!
  14. I'm a newbie around here, and I'm having very discouraging time with applications this round. I was wondering if any of you who have received acceptances in socio-cultural anthropology would be willing to discuss your credentials a bit further? I desperately want to come to terms with my rejections and being passed over for interviews, and I think it would be really helpful for me to hear from you all. A bit about me: I graduated summa cum laude from a highly-ranked liberal arts college, where I majored in anthropology. I have a regional focus, which I have been exploring since I was a freshman, and years of language training. I have also worked for a number of esteemed professors at several colleges and universities. My GRE scores were not great, but I scored in the 91st percentile in english and was hoping that would suffice. I have recommendations from professors I consider dear friends as well as mentors, and I received positive feedback from both programs I was rejected from (in addition to a third, where I also presume I'm out of the running). So far I have been rejected from two programs. I have not been chosen for interviews at another five schools. What gives?!?!
  15. And only those interviewed are likely to be accepted? THIS PROCESS IS HORRIBLE.
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