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  • Application Season
    2017 Spring
  • Program
    PhD Social Work

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  1. Hi, Everyone I've recently been accepted into both McGill and U of T Master of Social Work programs with advanced standing. I'm really torn at this point. I feel like McGill has the better reputation but UofT has more practice classes than McGill. McGill's program includes completing a research project and 2 research classes whereas UofT has 1 research class and the rest are practical classes. My goal is to practice clinical social work. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ami
  2. Hi, Everyone I've recently been accepted into both McGill and U of T Master of Social Work programs with advanced standing. I'm really torn at this point. I feel like McGill has the better reputation but UofT has more practice classes than McGill. McGill's program includes completing a research project and 2 research classes whereas UofT has 1 research class and the rest are practical classes. My goal is to practice clinical social work. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ami
  3. I hear, "oh you're smart!! you'll definitely get in"............ FRUSTRATING considering I just got my wait listed letter yesterday
  4. I just got my waitlisted letter yesterday and I feel devastated. I was pretty confident about getting in because I was overqualified in terms of the admissions last year. 30 ppl get into program and 30 ppl get on the wait list. I'm trying to be optimistic but it's been a huge blow... They don't shut the wait list down until July 30 so I could potentially have A LOT of waiting time ahead of me.. It all depends on now how many students accepted choose not to go anymore....
  5. I'm 27 but have already completed 2 undergraduate degrees and finishing up another Masters. I think you'll be a bit younger but the class will have a range of ages. good luck!
  6. I've applied to 3 graduate schools. My "safe" school, which I do understand is very competitive, has put me on the wait list. They allow 30 ppl into the program and have a wait list of 30. It's not their policy to tell students where they rank on the wait list. I haven't heard back from the other 2 schools yet but chances are I won't get an acceptance letter. Anyone else on the wait list or have positive stories about the wait list? I'm very disheartened now...
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