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Everything posted by orly85

  1. My husband got a unoffical e-mail today saying he had been rejected. They said that there has been a delay this year and basically wanted him to not hesitate to pursue other interests.
  2. My husband is completing his MS in EE at Harvard this May. The company he works for paid for his education. Harvard has a cohort program with MIT (MIT business students take classes from Harvard- technology-based majors take courses at MIT). My husband took half of his classes at MIT. He loved the experience. Just something to consider and to ask the school about. Hope that if helpful. Not hurtful.
  3. My husband applied and was accepted to Ohio State back in January. We were informed last week he has received a fellowship- but we haven't received the official funding offer yet. We'll be visiting next month (he wasn't able to make it during the assigned visiting weekend). I was wondering if you could tell me why you chose to apply to Ohio State. What you like about it. So far, we like their commitment to their students. My husband has been contacted by different parts of their team every week since January. We like the frequent updates. It lets us know they care. We obtained our undergrad at a small university, and know that Ohio is rather large but has a small university-feel in my husband's field of interest. It is also a lot more family-friendly than other universities we have encountered. We are also LDS and the fact that the university is near a temple is a bonus for our family. The cost of living doesn't hurt either! What about you? Why do you like Ohio State?
  4. That is a good question. It wouldn't hurt to ask when to expect a decision, I guess. But I wouldn't expect/accept an exact date from anyone-- just for my own sainty. Take comfort in the last sentence of your application page "As soon as a decision is made on your application, it will be posted on this page, and you will be notified by email." It will happen when it happens tarrman, hope your enjoy your trip to Austin this weekend. We are excited to get out of New England for a few days and catch some sun.
  5. Sent my husband an e-mail to call the admission hotline. We both assume it is a rejection. Too bad. He really liked taking courses at MIT- half of his Masters classes have been taken at MIT, thanks to Harvard's cohort program. He had a LoR from a MIT professor. Overall, glad for the great experiences he did have there, fulfilling his boyhood dream. Now a new dream begins!!! Best of luck to everyone! It has been nice being on the same team and having an outlet for our frustrations. You were made to be AWESOME! UPDATE: Yup, rejected! Two more schools to hear from before we get off this crazy train.
  6. Good morning from the great state of Massachusetts, everyone. Here's to hoping our afternoon turns out fantastic as well! Good luck today, everybody!
  7. Yeah, that's my guess... but then why do they even have those check boxes?
  8. My husband applied to Stanford for EE PhD and received an e-mail last night that he was accepted into the M.S. program-- to us, that is a reject. In the past (according to old gradcafe results) March is when the rejections come. For all the big schools: MIT, Stanford, Princeton, etc. February is the month of acceptance. If February is a quiet month- no interviews, no e-mails- then it is (most likely) bad news. There have been oddities though, sure. Good luck! It isn't over until it is over, as they say around here at gradcafe.
  9. This happens every year it seems (according to the results found from previous years on gradcafe). I'm going to chalk this up as Hubby's first rejection. The whole thing is just silly. And not silly "ha ha".
  10. And now there is new "accepted" for MIT EECS in the results... Of course.
  11. Yeah, after seeing this page: http://scripts.mit.edu/~eecsgsa/index.php I think everyone's fate is sealed.
  12. "So you're telling me there's a chance." - Lloyd Christmas
  13. Agreed.
  14. My husband was e-mailed an acceptance letter for the PhD program at the end of January. He had a phone interview two weeks earlier. He has been invited to visit Austin in two weeks to tour the campus and such. I'll be tagging along with him. Best of luck!
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