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Everything posted by AstroPenguin

  1. Induced Magnetism
  2. I completely agree with Selecttext as well as all the other posts above me. If just the wait and the uncertain future are causing you this much stress and anxiety, is it really the best thing to go into Grad School which requires a whole bunch of uncertain chaos? Also, you need to go to a counselor/therapist ASAP. Once again, if this wait is driving you insane and causing these emotions then (to be straight forward) you most likely are not mentally ready to handle Grad School. However, if you talk to a counselor and/or a therapist they will work with you in developing techniques to handle stress (and get rid of those thoughts...). In short, you need to manage your stress NOW before heading off to Grad School. Taking care of yourself should be your first priority (if you are happy, you will be more efficient with work). There are some horrible events that have happened due to stress, for example - http://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/29/magazine/lethal-chemistry-at-harvard.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm Plus, there are always options. Take a year off school and work (save up money). Take other Undergrad classes. Find a job. Also, look at this article (geared towards Phys/Astro...but still helpful), it lists other options if Grad Schools are in your near future - http://astrobites.com/2012/12/10/when-graduate-school-isnt-in-the-immediate-future/. Plus, depending on what you do, it could be a stepping stone into Graduate School next year. By no means is Grad School the only option though, it might seem like it...but its not.
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