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Everything posted by clarinetcola

  1. then placement, then tenure and politics. Thanks sweetcheesse for the note on Yale!
  2. Professor of Interest. Congrats to everyone!
  3. This is a great thread isn't it! I wish I'd found this earlier in my application process.... I recieved an unofficial letter from the dept head of Indiana about a week after the inteviews (feb). Their dept is incredibly efficient (relatively ) I would suggest contacting them directly to check things out. I don't think anyone (including me) has recieved a word from Yale..... thanks for the heads up. maybe I'll contact them as well.
  4. Interesting! I don't know the significance of this but Indiana is having Andrew Mead from Michigan this year.... I'm currently staying in NYC, but if Michigan does seem like a big deal I will have to check it out in person. Again best of luck to everybody still in limbo. Perhaps this will entertain you for a bit: I got rejected by Santa Barbara last week, and I instantly knew why after reading their standard reject letter. I've been spelling 'Barbara' 'Babara' in all my paperwork. Blame the Aussie accent!
  5. I can't believe I never came across this post! I am applying for PhD in Music Theory directly from a perfomance BM in Australia. I graduated in December so I only applied for a small number of schools. So far I have been rejected from Eastman (first round) and accepted into Indiana (w/ interview) and Michigan (w/o interview). I haven't recieived anything from Yale or Harvard yet. New School's interview is scheduled 8/3 but I am considering cancelling it as it is only a terminal Masters. I am interested in how people in the US view these schools (esp. Indiana vs Michigan) and how would theorists list the top 10 grad schools for theory. But perhaps i'm most nervous about Yale and Harvard - has anyone heard back from the theory dept from these two? good luck and stay sane! Cc
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