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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Music Composition

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  1. this thread was much livelier in previous years! so far it seems like most of us are having bad luck. i have an interview with northwestern, for which i am psyched, and was just rejected from princeton, about which i am bummed. has anyone heard anything from NYU for music comp? i saw someone had an interview, are they interviewing all finalists? if so, uh oh. i'm only waiting for NYU and Columbia, and at this juncture I'm not feeling particularly hopeful.
  2. that's a great point, and removing the 'analysis' freed up about 200 words to talk about other things. Thank you!
  3. I'm curious about how people are contending with their statement of purpose, particularly for composition. Are you focusing primarily on what you plan to do with your education? Talking in-depth about specific works? because my junk and background are relatively complex (rigorous classical training but art school BFA, work is electro-acoustic + interdisciplinary), this is kind of my agenda: exposition/introduction to work/process/style >> background/arrival at style >> explanation of process via analysis of specific work >> why style/process/background/interests make me a suitable candidate for [specific institution] + what I plan to do at [specific institution]. One thing I'm wondering: is it a mistake to talk in-depth about a specific work for roughly a paragraph? I do this to illustrate how I make my work/my work's trajectory, which I feel is warranted because my work is process/research-based and usually begins as text and is gradually transformed into music. I don't know if it's a waste of wordage that could be better spent in the annotated list of compositions or something, but at the same time I feel like giving a tangible example is very helpful in explaining how/why I do what I do. I took a broader, less cohesive approach last year and was accepted to all the music programs I applied to, so I don't know if it's a mistake to fix what ain't broke and whatnot. Just curious to see what other people are doing. If anyone is interested in actually sharing their SOP I'd be happy to trade. Good luck to everyone!
  4. In at NYU for composition! Final school to hear from...is anyone else planning to attend? does ANYONE get funding? Good luck to all of you. i've mostly lurked here but thanks to everyone who has made this place a great resource.
  5. For NYU? I'm so sorry to hear that, I know you really wanted that program. I think that film scoring, more than any other genre of composition, would be extremely subjective to judge. So don't give up! At least this means NYU is finally getting round to notifying though, so we can all get some damn closure. They're the last school I'm waiting to hear from. In at Goldsmiths London and U of Manchester for electroacoustic comp.
  6. It's so odd...I was born and raised in San Diego and moved back recently, and have been involved in/aware of experimental music scenes anywhere I've gone, and I had no idea that freaking Miller Puckette was under my nose here. Unreal. Tom Erbe is also great. The entire program at UCSD seems amazing. You would never know we have such powerful players in avant-garde music from the cultural environment of San Diego -- it seems like music NEVER happens here. Best of luck to all applying. If you have any questions about the town I'm happy to answer.
  7. Blargh that is sooooooooo faaaaarrrrr awaaaaaaay. I am applying for the Masters in Composition, electronic/computer music track. The film scoring track sounds awesome, good luck to you!
  8. congrats to all on their acceptances, and my sympathies to the rest of us waiting in the arid, interminable wings. Does anybody know when one might hear from NYU Steinhardt for composition? Twiddling my thumbs.
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