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Posts posted by jelewis

  1. Hi, late to the game here! Just want to add that Oviedo is really great. I love Winter Park, but I would strongly warn you about the traffic. If you live there your commute time could be a half hour at least each way. That's the only reason I'd avoid it, as there is much more to do in Winter Park than Oviedo.

  2. I am in my 2nd year, I was funded with my letters coming from my advisor, followed by two people I worked for during undergrad and my year off on their grants. I had a fourth letter from a grad professor, but I doubt they read it.

  3. Just assume it's 4/15 and you're not getting it.

    Ha, literal LOL.  I think I need to make a sign of this and hang it up at my desk. 


    It's that time again, starting to check multiple times a day....


    Was it confirmed that people didn't get requests for an additional page?

  4. How do you find that information? I am psychology but submitted my proposal through STEM education, so this has me a lot more worried since that field is still new.


    There were PowerPoints about the whole program. I have them still if anyone wants them, but I have no recollection of where I found them. 


    If you did STEM education, you have an advantage in my opinion. NSF looks favorably upon research which improves our society. What better field than improving scientific education!?

  5. I definitely saw a figure that showed award rate by major and engineering was higher than the others. Not by a ton, but by a few percentage points.


    Well if more engineers apply than other fields (psychology), the rate of award per field is based on total applicants, and the graph you are referring to shows the  previous awards per field out of the total amount of awards... Then this graph may seem like engineers have a better chance because they are at 30% but their chances are still the same because overall they had more people applying for awards.


    It's more nerve wrecking knowing that only 10 people received awards in my area last year...

  6. haha no it's completely illogical and baseless :)


    Thanks for the advice! Good luck urrybody!


    I'm psychology as well, it seems so hopeless to get my hopes up. The statistics does not favor the odds for psychology... Seems so illogical to get nervous or getting my hopes up.

    Any information still helps, gives us something to grasp at :)

  7. I definitely stayed up until 2:30 last year...sleeping wasn't really an option. Oh, and I found out the results before the list was released by logging into my FastLane account once the site was back up and seeing "Welcome Fellow!" instead of "Welcome Applicant!"

    I decided to check back on this board because a couple of my labmates applied this year. Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!! :)

     How much earlier did you find out, an hour?

  8. I think they were just working on site functions, because I had either long delays or failure to load. If you notice on the announcements, they were working on their cash request system. 

    Seems to be working just fine now. False alarm :)

  9. I keep nervously checking the FastLane announcement page and this thread, as if somehow this will provide me any information to assuage my nerves! Will the awards page be updated at the same time as the emails go out?

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