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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Iowa City, Iowa
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Speech Language Pathology

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Yeah it wasn't, but grateful to have other options! And yes I remember those summer heats! Alright, good luck making decisions everyone!! Peace
  2. Hahah no no, actually it was DENIED in bright orange. And it says that was our official notification and no letter will come.
  3. Rejected This one stings the most! I guess instead of a southern belle I will be an east coast gal or midwesterner Scarfs and mittens are in my future everyone - excuse me as I go do a little retail therapy...
  4. Thank you! I am very grateful for my choices I will be visiting Maryland this weekend and then making a decision next week! I'm happy either way! Just wish I knew! And Auburn....literally have heard nothing haha no clue what is going on there..
  5. I was the one who spaztically (not a real word? idk) posted two posts about making a group for University of Illinois! All those accepted and contemplating going there or already officially going there please join! Here is the link: https://www.facebook...58034290968297/ If that doesn't work I would search on facebook - University of Illinois Speech Pathology Admitted 2013 (really long...so sorry!)
  6. Thank you everyone for the postive vibes! I have a feeling I may be rejected - I just realized that since this application was due last semester my GPA was a smidge lower (3.62) therefore I probably didn't make a cut! Oh goodness - we will see! Good luck to those on the wait list!!
  7. I was the one who spaztically (not a real word? idk) posted two posts about making a group for University of Illinois! All those accepted and contemplating going there or already officially going there please join! Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/358034290968297/#!/groups/358034290968297/ If that doesn't work I would search on facebook - University of Illinois Speech Pathology Admitted 2013 (really long...so sorry!)
  8. Congratulations SpeechyKelly!! That is awesome! Oh gosh :/ well here goes my obsessive checking and staring at my email and the website....
  9. Congratulations everyone who is getting in!!! I have not received any emails or notifications (checked website too) ah! I always ask this but were the emails personalized like with your name etc? I always find this helps me determine if they sent out one giant email or they are going one by one! Also congrats to those on the waitlist that is awesome!
  10. Good luck everyone!!! Hopefully we hear news today!
  11. I second that speechykelly! At least they are really considering each application and perhaps they are also distracted by the NCAA basketball happening there too haha! I think when people say March Madness, they are in fact talking about this grad app process....
  12. Ten...sion Hahah okay can we all blame this craziness on our anxiety waiting to hear from Texas? Because I sure am!!
  13. OHH MY GOSH! They can't possibly wait until Monday *cries*
  14. I hope they let us know today! Good Luck everyone!! While we are waiting, are any of you UT undergrads? I've been to the university before and have done my research on the program. However, if someone could give me a students perspective of the program that would be so helpful! Specifically Im curious about the atmosphere of the program (welcoming, approachable, etc) and your overall experience with professors, coursework, and opportunities given! ...now back to refreshing my email...
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