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Everything posted by slpdream

  1. I had similar GRE scores to yours, with the exception of the AW score (mine was lower). My GPA was slightly lower and I also didn't have as many related extra curriculars as you seem to. And although I had a rough time, I did get in somewhere. I think you'd have a pretty decent shot...especially with a great SOP and LORs. But I guess it also depends on where you plan on applying.
  2. I didn't know that either. Yikes...I would be so nervous! The only thing I did in undergrad was get my 25+ hrs of observation..no clinical practice. I won't be starting clinic until my second semester, followed by a summer internship.
  3. Thanks for posting this :-) I'll have to check it out.
  4. Sent you a message =)
  5. Alright. I'm starting this thread because I'm getting desperate. Are there any lurkers out there going to Edinboro this fall and possibly looking for a roommate? I know I still have time, but if I am unable to find a place by myself, I need options lol. If not, anyone else - feel free to post your similar frustrations, should you have any.
  6. Thanks! Thank you...I hope you do get a GA spot! Mine is not very much, but every little bit helps.
  7. Thanks! It's my alma mater - Edinboro University and the offer came with a PT assistantship position. Now I just need to figure out financials and living arrangements.
  8. Found out Monday that I've been pulled from a wait list =)
  9. Of the five places I've been waitlisted so far, I've heard from none. I have also heard stories of people being accepted off the waitlists as close as one or two weeks before the start of the school year. Eek!
  10. Haven't been on lately...probably because I only have one school to hear from and that won't be till after the 15th. I'm on five waitlists. Expecting this last school to either be a rejection or waitlist. Woo.
  11. Same here. three waitlists and two rejections myself... three to go but expecting similar decisions at this point. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  12. that's fantastic, jmarti! So glad everything fell into place for you and that all your frustrations are alleviated :-D
  13. Waitlist number two confirmed today. And dealing with an individual who doesn't want to understand why on earth I would want to keep my name on a waitlist. why yes, let me just throw away a possible opportunity to further my education...jeez. Ok rant over :-)
  14. I'm an idiot. I just emailed a department head to ask about decisions, and used their first name instead of last...as in Dr. First Name. I realized as soon as I had sent it..and promptly sent an apology but...yay for making an arse out of myself. I'm ready for this to be over.
  15. Just wanted to say thanks! It's nice to have encouragement from people who know how competitive this major is!
  16. I hope you get some good news soon! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you right now. I just try to tell myself that everything will work out as it should. Crossing my fingers for the both of us!
  17. So. I've seen postings on the results page from two schools I've applied to and I've heard nothing...I'm not predicting a good outcome but at the same time I don't know what to think. Jeez. I just want to know if I need to be making other plans until next year!
  18. Do you know anyone in the course? Perhaps you could find someone who would be willing to let you make copies of the pages you'd be using? Or maybe go halves with someone? Or, maybe the book would come in handy in some manner with future clients?
  19. My SLP neuroanatomy course used coloring pages as supplemental material too..and I did find them to be a helpful study aid for a sometimes intense course (though having it once a week for 2.5 hours probably contributed). It made it more hands on/visual than just staring at words in a book and trying to associate functions with them. I guess it would depend on what type of studier you are too. Personally, I would recommend getting it if you can spare the cash - anything to help your grade is worth it in my opinion. Not saying you wouldn't get a good grade without it of course! I know there were a few times I shot myself in the foot by not buying the optional materials too though.
  20. Love this topic! I'm always looking for a good book. Looks like any suggestions I could have added off the top of my head have already been added though. I did a book review on Still Alice in undergrad. It is a good read...hope you like it Mocha.
  21. Got some news today. Wait-listed at Gallaudet. Rejected from East Stroudsburg. 5 more schools left..
  22. Thanks! Hopefully you won't have to wait too long to hear from the rest of yours either...and congrats on your acceptances =)
  23. Gallaudet...and six of the PA state schools (Bloom, IUP, Clarion, EUP, West Chester, ESU)...three of which are rumored to notify by end of March. Well not really rumored, it's on their webiste...and I'm assuming the other three will follow suit. Such a long month...lol.
  24. Another week gone....still waiting to hear from seven schools.
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