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Posts posted by bastana

  1. so is anyone 2 parts excited 1 part anxious? ;) i've spent time in the region and love it, rather than the LDR worry fulbright is actually my chance to hopefully be near someone, however even with all this, being away a year is a somewhat bitter sweet prospect (think of the day we all go to the airport and part ways from friends/loved ones for months), and being abroad brings its challenges...i can't be the only one with some nerves! sorry i don't mean to depress anyone lol of course we all have tons to say on the i-can't-wait side of things, but i figure this side of it all can be a discussion

  2. BIG CONGRATS TO ALL WHO GOT IT!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR GERMANY PEOPLE!!! lol they were the most chatty here so i really wanted you guys to hear ;) i just want to say to anyone on the forum and the creepers too (lol), if you did not get it, do not lose heart, and DO try again. the first time i applied for a fulbright i was not even recommended for the next round. this was tough news and even discouraged me from trying again for a couple years. and now i have this big news it's taken me days to swallow :) So please keep the hope, apply again, and if it's not this opportunity there will be something else, there will most certainly be something else, you just have to keep trying :)

  3. how's everyone holding up..i am loving all the comradery here :) i'd chime in on a conversation but i wouldn't know which to choose! i hope we all get to meet in d.c. somehow, at least for those with the mandatory orientation. 3/13/13 would've been a cool day to hear from fulbright but that's okay =P i was worrying every day but then realized i more than likely have weeks and weeks to wait so, just trying to chill, fill my life with alternative things to get very excited/very nervous about

  4. CONGRATS TO THOSE WHO HEARD!! just imaaaaaaaaaaagine what we could do with all this pent up energy from waiting! i've been laying low here lately but it's really cool to see what others are researching, would be so interesting to meet you all :) and to the dr. with typhoid (potentially) i hope it's not! feel better! good luck guys! i feel like more people will hear today. i also think most of us still have weeks (months?) to wait :)

  5. here's to sincerely hoping its dumb and arbitrary -ness (as our president so aptly stated lol...) doesn't impact fulbright this year, or hopefully ever. they did say the cuts will roll out over years. i'm surprised to hear it's already impacting peace corps? are you certain? i would imagine/hope it wouldn't make sense for anyone's interests to constrain the fulbright program at this point in the consideration process, with all the wheels in motion already. though often the things that make the LEAST sense, yeah..,

    freaking sequestration.

  6. "Please note that IIE cannot confirm the receipt of individual transcripts before March 1, 2013.  However, we will notify you after March 1 if we DO NOThave a required transcript." -the fulbright webpage

    seems a recent edit...hahaha. like many of you i was a little paranoid and getting ready to call in to make sure. now we have it in no uncertain terms :)

  7. Another option is to defer the grad school for a year...that's what I'm planning to do, I have 2 programs I'm deciding between and both will let me defer the year if by some divine act of god I'm awarded a fellowship...that way I can have my cake and eat it too ;) mmm...cake...



    Oops my phone glitched and I don't know how to delete that post...

    thanks guys. well what i was trying to say is, these specific grad programs i'm not convinced are right for me regardless ("so why did you apply?" yeah long story), but to confidently turn down such offers i'd need an alternative, before april 15h... i already feel i would take the fulbright over anything :) sigh. remember when life was simple...


    p.s.@medizumbacist yay for getting to eat cake! lol and yea i would hope to defer a grad school offer for this. also wanted to say your academic background & fulbright plan is interesting! sounds like important work to be done, wish you luck

  8. this forum makes me want to keep checking for a decision when in reality i probably have a month to wait. ah. meanwhile i am starting to hear from grad programs, starting with a few i wonder why i even applied to in the first place (re: there'sanappforthat "WHAT WAS I THINKING!?"<-- that literally made me laugh out loud hahaha...)  well i'm sure we're all sold on the fulbright idea, but for schools some things are hard to turn down even if you're unsure they're right for you...sigh...unless..

    come on fulbright........................!! O.O / must start researching additional scholarships...

  9. Heh, hope so too. Maybe I should go get some chinese for lunch.

    THe last time I looked to a fortune cookie, hoping to get some good news about making it past the second round, it said something to the effect of "Still no data".

    WTF fortune cookie?! But i guess it was apt.

    haha. i am so curious when everyone heard about their recommended status. if they were ahead of schedule on that, then who knows. i think some sick part of us is enjoying this wait, otherwise we wouldn't keep visiting the forum lol. it was a friday last time. good luck all! deep breaths :)

  10. That's true! I am an information person (read: internet & society) and I applied for a full grant & CLEA to look at refugee information systems. How about you?



    very cool, hope we get to know each other.


    thanks for sharing your thoughts on funding (re: another post). i've been working on jobs and other apps all the time, i should probably look at additional funding opps  too.


    re: the aiesec issue - aiesec is an amazing definitely legit organization and a network of motivated awesome young people around the world that calls for fees but also hooks you up with a paying gig. no they're not paying me to say that, but i know for a fact. considering applying also. 

  11. ME TOO! You should post to the spreadsheet!


    Haha I must admit I hope we both get it or ... it's too mean to even write! Gaaa! I hope we both get it, period. 


    *must be nice, must be nice - not competitive, no vodoo - must be nice, must be nice* :rolleyes:

    Well, you don't know if we applied to the same sort of Fulbright. Insha'allah the best for everyone :) which spreadsheet? Best Wishes.

  12. found this forum as I wait to hear from Fulbright, and i've heard it can be quite a wait for Arab countries! my strategy for these sorts of things is to just not think about it until suddenly i hopefully hear, yet here i am, good to have a place to go to see others in the same boat. i wish everyone the best of luck, i truly hope whether it's Fulbright or anything else everyone finds a great and fulfilling opportunity for next year :)  

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