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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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  1. Hi, Just wondering if you ever heard back from OISE about the MA Counselling? I applied to this program as well, and was rejected, but accepted to MA Counselling Psych at Western. However I also got offered admissions to the MEd Developmental Psychology and Education at OISE which surprised me as I didn't even apply to this program, wondering if anyone else who applied to Counselling Psych at OISE has had this same offer.
  2. Initially when I first applied to grad school last year I only wanted to do a MA in psychology and only applied to one MSW as a backup, BUT the more people I talked to including professors and people in the field (therapists etc.) the more good things I hear about MSW degrees and how they are more versatile and people with them have an easier time finding employment.
  3. Congrats on getting an interview! I was told (at the interview) that only 30 people out of 100 or so applicants got an interview so they clearly saw something in your application that they liked! I have my undergrad in psychology and I also did an undergraduate thesis which I think they liked as we talked about it quite a bit during the interview. However I should note that last year I didn't get into any grad schools (just waitlisted at U of T). I didn't have any idea Western even had a counselling psych program until this year, as it's in the Faculty of Education vs. Social Sciences and I didn't even think to look there! But I think what really helped me out this year is that I got a job working as a Residential Relief worker at Treatment Foster Care, which essentially means I go in and stay with foster children while the foster parents are gone. This really seemed to interest the three Western faculty who were in my interview, as the three of them are currently working together on a research project about foster care. I really do think though that without this extra year of work experience I would not have got in, that said though it still made no difference with U of T so it is definitely very subjective as to what each individual school and program looks for in it's applicants. Fingers crossed you get off the wait list this year! But if you don't (and I know everyone keeps saying this) another year of experience really does make a difference! Best of luck!
  4. Hi, I've also been waitlisted at U of T for the 2 year MSW program, I was placed on the waitlist last year as well and heard that there was not a whole lot of movement, that being said there were several people who did get off it and into the program. I don't know if it's just me remembering wrong but it seems (at least from this forum) that there are a lot of us on the waitlist, more so than last year. I have also accepted an offer at Western for MA Counselling Psychology, but U of T's MSW was my first choice so I wanted to hold out and see if there's any chance I'll make it off the waitlist this year! Congrats to all those accepted!
  5. Hey, Just wondering if anyone is planning on attending Western for counselling psychology, or any psych programs?
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