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    HCI, ethnography
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall

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  1. Welp, the letter arrived and it is indeed a rejection. Poop. It was a generic form letter that didn't say much... Would it be in poor taste to email and get more info on why I wasn't a good fit?
  2. If I'm interpreting this right, I think the message means rejection. See page 20. http://www.colorado.edu/GraduateSchool/facstaff/_docs/GradAdmissionsAppSystems.pdf (I googled the message).
  3. I'm not totally sure when my status changed because I didn't check at all yesterday. And yes, I can't believe that it's coming in the mail. It's weird because other departments at CU do email notifications... Well, those were also the departments that let people know a month ago! Are you still waiting to make a final decision based on what ATLAS says, or are you pretty definitely going to the program at ASU?
  4. I do know that they're sending out letters in the mail. I'm trying not to read too much into the wording on the site, but this is nerve wracking!
  5. She did email back yesterday and say the committee is making decisions by the end of the week and that she'll send out notifications after that. Despite the fact that I still have no answers, I feel so much better having made the contact.
  6. I've also been working professionally for 7 years. I only applied to one program, partially because it is a very unique program that would be a good fit for someone with my [somewhat non-traditional for academia] background and partially because the location is right for where I need to live for the next few years. So under-applying, maybe, but I am looking at it more as "I know what I want". I just heard back that I *will* hear a decision by the end of the week. It's good to know a date by which my life will no longer have to be on hold. And if it doesn't work out I'm not sure what my path will be, so the tension is definitely building.
  7. I finally broke down and emailed Vickie since it's the last weekday in March and I still haven't heard anything. Cactus Ed, I know you've made your decision to go to ASU (congrats!), but I'm just wondering if you've heard anything?
  8. I heard that there are ~45-50 applicants each year and that there is not a set amount that they accept. That is, one year they may accept none, one year they may accept 5, and one year they may accept 2. Thus far, they have offered funding to all students they accept. Despite our different backgrounds, it sounds like we're both a fit in different ways. I thought I was not as interested in the crisis informatics stuff, but once I dug in to some of the papers coming out of program I realized how interesting that type of research could be. My focus, hopefully, will be on how social support via technology can play a role in promoting health and wellness. Thanks for the luck! Still no word over here, which makes me a bit nervous... Fingers are still tightly crossed.
  9. I heard the same thing from Vickie... Of course, that doesn't keep me from being on pins and needles in the meantime. My background is in design research & UX, which I think is a good fit with the HCI bent of some of the ATLAS fellows. Really, though, one of the appealing things is that the program attracts a range of backgrounds. I have a specific POI/lab I want to work with that lives in the CS department, but I don't have (or really want to have) a pure CS background... I think the more technology use becomes an important aspect of addressing problems in healthcare and education, the more we need interdisciplinary people working in technology. It is actually the only school I've applied to, for now, because it is such a unique program specific to my interests. So my fingers are tightly crossed!
  10. I didn't anticipate this feeling of my life being on hold... And wow, does it ever suck. I need to start earning some money. I've been unemployed for a few months and told myself I'd start freelancing after application deadlines were done. But I'm only kind of half-assedly networking and trying to find clients because I don't *really* want to build my own business if I get get in to a PhD program. I am also completely tired of having to explain what I'm trying to do to everyone I know from industry... I will be so relieved when I can finally say "this is exactly what I am doing" (vs "well I'm hoping to get in to this PhD program but I really can't explain it to you because it's interdisciplinary and complicated and no, I don't know when I'll hear back").
  11. I did! And yes, the program looks VERY interesting but it's also a bit hard to get a read on due to the newness. I am dying waiting to hear back... Any word from them for you?
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