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Everything posted by meangreen23

  1. Texas state does rolling admissions if they are doing it like they did last year!
  2. When I read that the first thing that came to my mind was "this shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!" Hahah hopefully someone knows what I am talking about.. If not, disregard!
  3. Well.... Texas schools... WHY ARE YOU TAKING FOREVER?! -___-
  4. Geeez they are taking their sweet time this year!!
  5. Yeah, I am hoping so also! They had about 500 applications this year. I guess that’s a more time efficient way of doing things? I have no idea.
  6. Yeah, she said the admissions committee looks at the top scored applicants (going off of what the GA's scored them). Good to know some GA out there gets to have a say in the entire process. It annoyed me since its my undergrad institution.
  7. I have a good friend that is a GA for the SLP and AuD applicants at one of the schools I appiled to. She said GA's scored the SOP and letters of reccomendation. Seems like a flawed system to me... I guess it works for them.
  8. Ahh I gave you a -1 and I didn't mean to!!! That's what I get for using my iPhone! I am so sorry! I'll figure out how to fix it! We will both get in and not have to worry about being an SLPA!! Positive thoughts!
  9. Well I have only heard AMAZING things!!! I would have applied but my GRE is just average and when I got rejected last year that's what they recommended me to improve. I took it again and didn't get much higher so I opted out of the application fee! But, I highly recommend the school! I haven't been to Richardson much because I'm from Fort Worth. But it's suppose to be really nice! Jmarti, I believe that's the average GPA but all of the people I knew that got in last fall had very high GRE scores as well!
  10. Heyy my fellow Texan's! We appear to be a rare breed on the grad cafe! UNT- I am biased because I did my undergrad there!! Loved the clinic and everything about it! My boyfriend still lives in Denton so I am always up there! They notify the 3rd week of march usually! TWU- I have heard good things about the program and have a friend that loves it! They notify around the 3rd to 4th week of March as well. Texas state- they notified me of my rejection the first week of may last year. Talk about stringing someone along!! I have a close friend in their program and she loves it! SFA- had a bad experience with them last year because they said my application was complete and then sent me a rejection saying it was incomplete and that I was from the University of South Carolina with someone else's GRE scores..... Yeah, they gave me my application fee back. It was very strange! That's all I know about the programs you listed! GOOD LUCK!
  11. Everyone in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex would jump for a spot at UT-Dallas! I have a few friends there and they love the program and they have a lot of research oppurtunities as well as clinical. The Callier center is amazing!
  12. You need 25 observation hours and 25 clinical experience hours to apply for licensure. If you don't have the clinical hours you can find an SLP willing to supervise you for them or a job that will allow to to get your 25 hours when you start. I had 3 job offers within a week and half after applying for SLPA jobs! So it worked out well! If you need more info let me know! I'm pullin' for you to get in somewhere! But now that I am working as an SLPA I can't imgaine going to school with out any experience. I absolutely love it!
  13. Well, I have done my fair share of creeping on this site. This is my second year applying and y'all are giving me some hope!!! I am currently and SLPA and behavior therapist at a private clinic! I had to go that route when all I did last year was get wait-listed and rejected. I love my job and believe that everything worked out the way it should have. Just hoping grad school works out in my favor this year. So far it's not looking that way. Good thing I have a caseload of 35 to keep me busy during the week!! BTW, where are all of the people from Texas at??? Congrats to everyone! I have read enough I feel like I know y'all! Hahaha
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