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Everything posted by kuba

  1. kuba

    SSHRC 2010

    Found out I am on a waiting list with a score of 17.2/30 How can I find out my exact place on the list?
  2. kuba

    SSHRC 2010

    I'm dying to know if anyone in Vancouver has received the new yet (by mail that is).
  3. kuba

    SSHRC 2010

    Has anyone in Vancouver received the news yet or is all the action in the Toronto area today?
  4. kuba


    I am in the PhD program at SFU and I have not heard anything from SSHRC. I have, however, been told by my Graduate Program Chair that no one in our department made it :cry: Apparently, there were many other departments that did not make it as well this year. This is very frustrating especially considering that I was told that I was a 'shoo-in' and that my application was rated as very strong. I won a SSHRC when I was doing my MA, so I thought I knew a little about how that game is played. I am not sure what I will do for money in the fall, given that the TAships are running out for second year PhDs and that there is very little internal funding in my department.
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