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LittleDarlings reacted to a post in a topic: Do you think the MSW program helped you grow personally?
Do you think the MSW program helped you grow personally?
nhl replied to LittleDarlings's topic in Social Workers Forum
Reading books is great and getting advice from people who have the experience in MSW programs is great too, but honestly social work is so much more than knowledge. It's practice, and it's about transferring that knowledge to applying real life skills. From what I'm aware, every social work program has an internship portion to the curriculum. Meaning you will be in an actual social work setting and working with real clients. No matter how much we try to get a handle on our "issues" leading up to practice in the field, nothing and I do mean nothing will test your ability to be professional, ethical and competent as much as working face to face with clients. With that said, it is really important to acknowledge exactly what our push points are. And not just to acknowledge it but really accept it to the point where we shouldn't be taking offense if we are confronted about it, because if we feel ourselves start to get defensive and hot in the face, then that just means we haven't really truly come to terms with what makes us tick. Also, while a field placement should be a safe place for student learners to grow, make mistakes, and really come head to head with how our clients make us feel (the emotions they might evoke in us because they remind us of a certain person maybe, or for reasons we have a hard time being objective because something about the client or their situation is pushing some button somewhere) it is so critical to learn how to manage that asap. There's really no foolproof way to do it. There's really no textbook, black/white answer. It's on you to monitor yourself and check yourself every single day as you go. With that said, yeah, there are things we can easily do to keep ourselves that much more accountable. Absolutely keep up with therapy. I can't tell you how much therapy/counseling is encouraged in my program. We all have things going on that can and will affect our work. Take care of yourself. Talk things through with your instructors and supervisors once you're in the program. Be mindful of boundaries, of projecting your feelings where they have no place being projected. Keep in mind that social work is a lifelong learning process, and every social worker, heck every human being will always have areas where they can always improve and grow stronger. It's just a matter of recognizing opportunities for what they are instead of being dismissive or shutting down or prideful, or worse, burnt out. And as for whether I've grown as a person myself as a result of being in an MSW program? The fact that I'm able to articulate all this is an absolutely resounding 200% YES that I have grown, I have watched every single one of my peers grow, and I know every social worker out there has opportunities to grow every single day. But again, it's a choice. A very conscious, mindful, and often difficult to come to choice, but nonetheless, a choice. Your choice. -
Hey all! Just wanted to (hopefully) put you at ease and let you know, I was exactly where you are last year, and I know the wait is brutal but you will hear back sooner or later! To my knowledge, the first decision letters for UCLA started coming in the first few days of March last year. I got mine around the second week of March. Some others got theirs later. There really doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it, although I will say that I applied by the priority deadline. The school just gets a lot of applications; about 400+ for my 2015 graduating class. So hang tight and good luck!
Finish Undergrad May 2014... MSW Fall 2014?
nhl replied to SFGiantsFan's topic in Social Workers Forum
I also applied a month or two into my senior year as soon as application periods opened up. I don't know about BU's program but the best bet to find out would probably be to call them. I found that calling the admissions offices for all the programs I applied to was really helpful throughout the whole process. Most everyone I corresponded with was patient and helpful. My acceptance letters tended to come with some sort of contract; most of them relating to committing to the program, promising to send in a deposit and attend an orientation or otherwise forfeit my spot in the program, etc. And, most definitely, sending in a final transcript. But I remember it being like that for undergrad as well, sending in final grades and all. Most of the time, it's really nothing to be concerned about because your GPA would really have to take a dive or something else extreme for your initial acceptance to not work out. I also cannot second enough what agentofchange said about starting early! I was way in over my head senior year with an internship and classes and work. It helped a lot to start drafting up my personal statements from day one and requesting letters of recommendation really early on as well. As for what the standard might be in terms of gpa, gre score and work experience... I think that's always hard to say. I had no idea what my chances really were going into the application process, and I figured, my resume is what it is. I felt both confident and worried in various aspects but I wasn't going to linger on what I couldn't change or how I may or may not measure up to other applicants. So I did what I could, which was making my personal statements solid and staying on top of things to meet the priority deadlines. Best of luck to you! -
So nice to see the group expanding a bit! If anyone else has yet to join the group, please do! https://www.facebook.com/groups/207450862745033/ I'm still working on filling in more details for the broad outline/study guide that was emailed to us. I haven't decided whether I'm going or not to the study group tomorrow. Will you be going?
If anyone would like to join the Facebook group for our class, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/207450862745033/ In case that doesn't work, try searching for UCLA MSW 2015.
I sent you my facebook profile url. I'm a little anxious about the exam. It hasn't been too long since I took lifespan/development but long enough to where I'm not entirely confident. The books aren't exactly cheap so I'll probably rent them.
i tried making a group but it seems to require that you initially invite people you are already friends with to be a part of the group
also how are we all feeling about this human development proficiency exam?
I don't think one has been made yet. But I agree that one would be helpful and nice to network a little. We definitely do have a lot coming up!
has anyone else gotten the email about student liability insurance for field placements? i feel awfully clueless but i'm assuming this isn't the same as health insurance?
I received the placement profile email about three hours ago (a little after 9pm on Monday the 13th) Lots of save buttons throughout the form, which really came in handy, especially with the questions that were somewhat redundant of our personal statements but they don't want us to pull from our personal statements. I did my best to answer them in a way that would provide them with new thoughts. Apparently it is ok though to pull out certain bits and pieces; specific points. Other than those questions, the others are very basic like name, date, volunteer/work experience, preference of what's important to you in field placement (distance vs. stipend vs. other factors). Overall the whole thing took a little longer than I thought. There was no word limit or minimum length either so I didn't stress over that. The email noted no right/wrong answer; just to answer as best and honestly as we can. Hope you all get yours soon too!!
I submitted around Thanksgiving and ordered my transcripts right after Thanksgiving break, but I never got to find out if it was actually all processed by the first deadline, which I believe was December 15th. My last name starts with L so it really could be the alphabetical thing too. I'm sure you all will have to get that email before April 15th for sure so hang tight!! And the SLR asks all sorts of questions like the original registration month/year of your vehicle as well as opening month/year of any checkings/savings accounts among other things so having that information in handy will definitely save you a little bit of time so you can submit it asap and call it official.
I submitted my SIR/SLR today so I've done just about all I can do on my part. Now it's just a matter of getting updates regarding orientation, course registration and field work. I applied to three other programs in addition to UCLA and USC. At first I was honestly really hoping for USC but ultimately, I could not reconcile with the tuition cost. I'm at a point in my life right now where it's just not logical whatsoever to put myself in that much debt, as I'm sure is the case for many others. I'm passionate about this field and cannot imagine myself pursuing anything else, but we all know it's not a field we go into for the money. And that's fine. But not to the point that I'm going to burden myself, my parents and my future spouse/family for years to come. So that's one of the reasons I put aside wishful thinking for USC, which helped solidify my decision for UCLA. It's still a bit costly compared to two other programs I was accepted to, but thankfully not 80k. As for what made UCLA hit home for me compared to those two programs, I think field placement and stipend opportunities, accreditation and concentration options were the most significant factors. It's also closest to where I live although the 405 freeway makes for a brutal commute. I'm anticipating having to wake up at some ungodly hours for the next two years but it's going to be worth it all and I am so excited!!
I hope everything works out for you! They're definitely in a pretty extensive process right now with everything and like you said it's this new system. The link to check your application that the email sends is actually available on the UCLA website for any applicant. It might be worth checking yourself even if you haven't gotten the email yet. For all we know, it could be that it's all there and the system just takes forever to update and send emails out to prompt people to check. https://www.gradadmissions.ucla.edu/newapp/Login.asp?topage=AdmissionStatus.asp