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    Marshfield, MA
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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  1. Congrats! Whereabouts? I'll be living in Washington Heights neighborhood by Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.
  2. This might be a silly question, but do we have to apply for financial aid again next year?? I wasn't sure if whatever amount we got is supposed to cover the 42 credits or just the first year. By the way, I just put in an application for an apartment. Let the nerve-wracking wait begin. How's everyone else's apartment hunting going?
  3. Does anybody know if we can use part of our financial aid package to cover housing costs?
  4. I'll be going this weekend to see at some shoeboxes (so-called studios). About the schoolwide orientation, why is there a "MPH check-in" in the schedule if this orientation is not specific to MPH students?
  5. A broker just laughed at me on the phone when I gave my price range!! Maybe NYC is not a good idea after all
  6. Yes, I've found the same price range. However, even if I am able to afford that. Most brokers ask that you make 40 times the rent price. Also, does anyone knows if there's a deadline to accept your financial aid package?
  7. I'm a guy and yes I'm on that Facebook group.
  8. I was shooting for a studio as well, but haven't been very successful landing anything yet so I'm open to more options. Everything is just so expensive though! Classes usually start after 4. I was looking at the schedule from last year and there's generally two star times (4 PM and 5:30 PM). Good luck with your apartment and job hunting!!
  9. Now that everybody got their financial aid and are for sure attending ISMMS this fall is anyone looking for a roommate or had found a place yet?
  10. At least the gradplus is not through sallie mae or any other outside source. So it shouldn't be too bad.
  11. Email and I'm doing both. Stafford covers a reasonable portion though. Overall, I'm very happy with the aid.
  12. I just got my award letter as well. I still think they're unorganized though
  13. I think tac0d00d is right. They seem very unorganized. I got no email, even though I was specifically told I was going to get my award by the end of the week last week. This is very annoying. It's making me question if I should have gone with other schools.
  14. Did you get it through email or in the mail?
  15. I haven't got my financial aid award yet. However, I've been pushing since last week. Fist, Dale told me he was missing my MSSM fin aid application, but I emailed right back with the proof that I submitted it in April. Then he told me I was going to get my award this past Monday. Nothing happened. And yesterday I finally called Christine Cortalano and told her about the situation. She got in contact with the fin aid office and assured me I will be getting my award by the end of the week. So here I am still homeless and waiting for my school money. Hehe
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