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Everything posted by myhandsarebananas

  1. Omg my hands are shaking and I can't stop smiling. I hope you other commiserators get/got good news too!!!
  2. I got it too Yayyyy Germany :D Congrats!!
  3. bu...buh...buht... Did you contact them or something? A month seems like the longest time ever in the history of the universe... :(
  4. Maybe...I wish the process was more transparent. Maybe someday they'll do it like the government does tax returns...where you can just type in your info and they'll tell you what stage of the process your application is in. "Your application is: processing...indefinitely." But I would assume that the country sends over lists of accepted people and a rank-ordered list of alternates so that if someone for some reason gets disqualified (or declines eventually) they can just move to that list. But who knows, there could be other factors we have no knowledge of.
  5. If Germany hasn't already sent in their list(s) to the FFSB, we would still have quite a few days more waiting, aside from that extra day for their holiday...so I'm hoping to all that is good in the world that the information is already back in the US.
  6. I think we're not really sure which exact agency it comes from (IIE or FFSB), but it seems to be the consensus that it comes from the main fulbright office. The country you applied to submits their choices to the US, and then they have to approve your application before officially accepting you. I believe the office is in NYC, so I've been (trying to) limit my anxieties to EST. Haha.
  7. I second this! I think they could probably get in loads of trouble for "just fooling!" grant recipients...so we shouldn't worry about that...but I think many of us might fall apart if we get punked on here.
  8. No problem, glad you found that helpful.
  9. I'm so disappointed I was really hoping it would be today. Grahhhhh.
  10. Small towns for the win. And yes please, soon soon soon. That's awesome. Ahhhhhh...can we all just go there right now?
  11. I picked: Bayern, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Baden-Württemberg. I have never been anywhere in Germany so I don't care that much as long as I get to go...anywhere lol...but I like the idea of being in the south...or Köln, my intro German instructors were from around there. I'm not a big city person and I figured a lot of people are probably interested in Berlin so...leaving some room for those people to get what they want lol. I'll of course have to visit, but I would feel more bequem in a small town somewhere in the boonies (is that weird? oh well.)
  12. At this point I hardly even remember...I'm also a psych major so I think I wanted to volunteer for some sort of after school program for at risk youth or possibly immigrant families if such a program exists. Couldn't be too specific without knowing where I would potentially be located. I think I also wanted to participate in, if not start, a book club. But with how short our proposals had to be I didn't really focus on that too much. :/
  13. @ Miss_Lady--Did you just change your photo or was that always there and I never realized it? AWESOME. Love that show.
  14. As my friend Clarice says/sings, "there's always tomorrow, for dreams to come true." Even though I'm ready for winter to be over, Rudolph is pretty much always appropriate. Of course I would prefer if "tomorrow" would actually be tomorrow.
  15. I don't know much about the full grant program, or about host affiliations, and the person who I'm about to reference did a Fulbright like 10 years ago or something...so definitely take all that I'm about to say with a huge grain of salt. Anyway, one of my professors said that after you are accepted into the program, what you do doesn't really matter that much. Not to say it doesn't matter, but that they figure you're motivated enough to do something, so if your plans change somewhat from your proposal (in terms of what your project exactly entails) you're not going to be penalized. It's more for you, and for the experience...and most projects usually change once you start working on them regardless (perhaps this is more true for a humanities project like she did, but still). Point being, I would assume that they would have some flexibility with your project, if not also the location. I don't know how much information they gave you in the original e-mail and/or if/when they plan to send you more, but I would definitely try to contact someone and let them know that there are other labs you might be interested in working with, and if so, what would be the best way to go about that. They can't help you if they don't know!
  16. My thoughts exactly. First oh god: full grants heard today, we'll probably hear today too. Second oh god: It could still be another 2 weeks since the last few years haven't notified full and ETA together. Third oh god: IT COULD BE TODAY. And so on.....
  17. Bummer. But I will also be hoping for DAAD for you!
  18. Ironically daydreaming is the only thing that gets me through the day...though it will be all the worse if I don't get it...oh well.
  19. I've never wanted to go to the dentist so badly before...or at all for that matter.
  20. I think every day we all die a little more inside I didn't even think of that...good thing too, or I would have started my super freaking out a month ago instead of like a week/week and a half ago. I'm actually just really surprised that they haven't even notified the full research grant people yet...usually they hear quite a while before the ETAs.
  21. Well from what I've gathered, after notification of ETA awards to Germany they still take a while to send out assignments...so I imagine there will still be a solid crowd from Germany on here for a while...lol
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