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Posts posted by beccamayworth

  1. Probably with the psycholinguists and some of the syntax/semantics folks. :)


    Ohhh UT Austin will be fantastic. I have family in Austin - it's an awesome place to live!

    (for most of the visit at UMD people kept make jokes about how shitty College Park is - so there's that)

  2. Thank you! And I'm sorry! :(  


    In all honesty, I was very surprised to be admitted (extremely happy, but surprised) because there was a large group of prospective students at the open house and they all seemed to be extremely qualified. Some of them were coming from very prestigious schools (Yale, UPenn, Harvard) and had lots of previous research experience. 

  3. I agree with everyone that A just seems like the better option in all accounts. 


    If I were in this situation, I think I would visit B just because I have this urgent need to have all the information I can in order to make a decision.


    Also, visiting B will give you a chance to network with people that must be important to you, since they're your 2nd choice.  


    Regarding the "international student status", and being one myself, I think that LoRs also play an important role... Good lettes from not-so-well-known (i.e., non-US and non-European) people might be an issue...   


    yeah, I'm also from South America and I do agree. I had the chance to talk to one of my POIs openly about that and they did admit it's always good when they get LoRs from people they know, or at least know of


    have you talked to your professors about it? maybe they have some contacts you're not aware of. 

  5. I really enjoy reading everyone's suggestions/opinions! 


    I think one thing that really helped me with my applications was to have (i) my current research project, which allowed me to discuss experimental design, the theories behind it, etc. and (ii) a good idea of what kind of projects I'd like to develop next (both the broader picture and a few specific examples). 


    Regarding fit, I only applied to places where I knew that some faculty was working on the same kind of questions.  Like I said before, I did contact all of them previously to ask if they were taking new students, and if they were interested in a student who wants to pursue X line of work. 


    Finally... I do agree that there are a LOT of factors at play. Some of them beyond our control (lack of funding, professor Y can't take any students, etc.). For example, I know that the "international student funding issue" has been discussed already here, but I did have two professors tell me that it could indeed be harder for them to fund me because I'm not a citizen... so that matters as well. 


    It's an extremely stressful, soul-draining process. I think the best thing we can do to prepare for it is to submerse ourselves in research as much as we can, and rely on Professors/Colleagues/Strangers at grad cafe for advice.  :)

  6. hmmm Quentin Tarantino was in True Romance with Brad Pitt (small role, but still)

    Brad Pitt was in Interview with a Vampire with Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise was in War of the Worlds with Dakota Fanning!


    Jeff Bridges, Kiefer Sutherland

  7. I think it's completely understandable that you would want to have all the information you can possibly have before making a decision that will affect greatly the next five years of your life. I believe Professors understand this too. I don't even think one has to mention time/money; it's an important decision, and you will let them know as soon as you know for sure.

  8. Hi Fuzzy, you're right, I'm not talking about absolutes here... I am considering 3 programs in the moment (waiting to hear from 2) and they are all places where I believe I'd be quite happy at. And I completely agree about visiting: it has had a huuuge impact on my view of certain programs.


    Since I am still waiting to hear from 2 places and I'm still going to visit at least one more school, I know I will only be able to make an informed decision after all of this... So maybe I should just be patient. 

  9. I know it's a bit of a cliche, but my advice is: wear whatever makes you feel good about yourself.


    I went to an open house for prospective students for a Cognitive Psychology program, and most girls were wearing suits. I thought I would feel stupid in a suit (I've never had one before) so I went with black tights, a black a-line skirt and a floral short-sleeved button-up shirt, which is much more my style. Because this outfit makes me feel confident, I didn't feel out of place at all. I went on to be admitted to this program (and I honestly think no one cared about what I or anyone else was wearing...).


    Also, most current grads were wearing jeans and blouses... so I kinda looked more like them than like the prospectives, which made me feel more at home as well.


    I also went to an open house for Linguistics and it was muuuuch more casual. I think this varies a lot from field to field. 


    Ok I'll change my advice slightly: wear whatever makes you feel good about yourself, as long as it's academic-appropriate (i.e., do not wear your Princess Leia costume). 

  10. I hear ya!! :(    I am already having anxiety about possibly saying no to one of my offers, because I REALLY like the Prof. I know it's not personal and I'm sure they're used to it and know how to handle it professionally... but still. It's not only someone I greatly admire, but also someone that I would hope to work with in the future - if I end up not attending their program now. 


    Who are you asking for advice regarding all of this? I plan on meeting with some of my current profs as soon as I have all information in hands... I'm hoping they can shed some light my way. 

  11. Hi everyone,


    I know we're all still waiting for results to come... but let's say you got admitted to more than one program... how do you choose?


    I know "best fit" is the standard answer - and I do agree, fit is most important. But what if you have a good fit with more than one program? 


    For example: what if in one school you have a GREAT fit with one professor, but there aren't many others in the department with whom you could see yourself working... and in another school, you might not have a fantastic fit with a single professor, but there are at least a handful that could advise you/work with you?


    Also, how much do you factor in chances for collaboration with people outside the department? In my area of interest there are always people in Psych and Cog Sci doing research as well... 


    And finally - how important do you think it is to be in a very active department? By that I mean an environment with lots of talks, colloquia... just overall opportunities to discuss research. I tend to find this incredibly important, as it definitely inspires and motivates me. 


    Then... funding, location, etc. 


    To sum it up, I'm having a hard time making a decision. I still have to hear from two schools and visit one, so I know things might get clearer soon... 




  12. Bill Murray was in Lost in Translation with Scarlett Johansson 


    Scarlett Johansson was in We Bought a Zoo with Matt Damon


    Matt Damon was in Ocean's 11 with Don Cheadle


    Don Cheadle was in Flight with Denzel Washington!




    Steve Buscemi, Ellen Page

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