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  • Application Season
    2014 Spring

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  1. I completely agree with this, exceeeeept, I didn't visit any of my programs until my admission status was known. Once you're admitted, most schools will pay for your travel costs to visit. Plus, it's a strain on faculty to dedicate their time to arrange your visit if you might not even apply, let alone be accepted into the program. Much better for you and the faculty to wait til you get that acceptance. I also wanted to stress to make sure the professors you're interested in aren't retiring anytime soon. #1 thing is the fit -- are your interests a good match for the program? Are there faculty outside of the department that are also good fits for your interests that could be on your dissertation committee? Will your research be supported there? Are there strong fits for mentors who have the time to dedicate to you? Good luck!
  2. Officially committed to Northeastern!
  3. To post and celebrate when we've finally decided where to go. I should be able to post here soon!
  4. Have any of you applied to Penn states phd program? Anyone heard anything from there yet?
  5. Yeah, I'm still waiting to hear back from 6 programs, haha. I hate the waiting game! I'm very likely to go to Stony Brook, though.
  6. Hey all -- I decided to replicate what others have done and create a thread for Stony Brook soc admits and wait listers. Is anyone planning a visit soon?
  7. I expected more from sociologists.... The term "butthurt" at best indicates ignorance and at worst refers to homophobia and anal rape. Please don't use that term on these forums.
  8. Does anyone know when Maryland might come out with decisions? They had the earliest deadline of all my apps.
  9. For faculty: What is the average time students in this department take to complete the degree? Is there a maximum time deadline between ABD and earning the degree? Does the dept have connections with community organizations or local colleges? If coming in with a masters degree to a phd program - how will this affect the classes I need to take? Can I waive the requirement for certain classes? What is the job placement for recent grads like? How many are placed in tenure track positions? What are some of the colleges they're at? Are any unemployed? For grad students: Is the funding package enough to live on in this city/town? How much is rent in this area? What were your biggest factors in deciding on this program? What is funding like for traveling to conferences, research expenses, etc? Is this all done through the dept, or the college?
  10. For shows to binge on, I recommend Orange is the New Black
  11. Anyone claiming the UPenn acceptance?
  12. mightymaus

    Bethlehem, PA

    I've been in Bethlehem for the past 6 yrs. (always living on South Side) To get away from the undergrad feel, I'd recommend North Side, Hellertown, or Riverport Apartments on Southside (those are more of luxury apartments -- I almost lived there this year). Be aware that if you go too far over on North Side, you'll be in Moravian undergrad territory! If you don't mind a commute, Emmaus is a nice area as well. Many professors live there. @sertalpbilal -- you should make contacts before arriving. it's very hard to find good housing that late.
  13. I had my interview on Friday, and she said 2 weeks. But I was hoping they somehow were ready early.
  14. @dreammer @peterRY -- I hope Rutgers notifications will be sent soon.... the wait is killing me!
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