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Everything posted by urojas17

  1. Humanenvironment, Thanks for your post. It has been 4 really long months! By now i just want to find out, regardless of the results... Best wishes...
  2. Hi Humanenvironment, Have not heard anything from them. Good thing you got accepted some where, congratulations! Things are just tough this year.
  3. Not sure why they even accept people without having some sort of funding planned out for those they accept.
  4. HI ANP, Thanks for your suggestions! I had already located all the farmer's markets and organic shops around. Anyone else attending USF this fall?
  5. Hi Coyabean, Have you heard anything on funding yet?
  6. I am moving to Tampa for PhD in Anthropology. I've been looking for housing and other living related info. Anyone else going to USF in the fall?
  7. Come on Vandy! Let's get the ball rolling!!!!
  8. Hi ANP, The email I received said that information on assistantship allocation would be sent early next week. I'm still waiting to find out from other universities before I decide where I will go! I like the idea of USF, since the program matches well with my interests and I have had good communication with potential adviser. What I have been trying to do now is to figure out cost of living as well as figuring out if I can get by without buying a car. I hate the idea of having to buy a car to move around. Any tips?
  9. Hi everyone, I just received an email notifying me that I was admitted to USF Anthropology!... Yeah.. My first one after 2 rejections last week! Anyone else planning to attend USF? Cheers
  10. Hey that's great that you heard so early....! Congratulations... !
  11. I'll be reading as well. Also have a few books at home I have not read yet. I just started with Karl Polanyi's "The Great Transformation" I guess will try to read more of the classics. Besides that, work and review an article I am working on that may get published next year. Between this, Christmas and Chinese New Year there is not much time left for anything else. Does anyone know what is the earliest that universities start notifying?
  12. Hey... Right now I am neither... I just finished applying for Grad school. Yes it'll be nice to see who else from this forum is going!
  13. Hi Everyone, I am driving from DC to Philadelphia for the AAA meetings most likely on Monday 30th. Anyone interested on sharing the ride and costs? Let me know. Thanks!
  14. Hey peanuttheanthro, There are good Anthropology departments here in Hong Kong. Let me know if you need some contacts. I did my MA in CUHK and I know a couple of people from HKU. Good luck!
  15. Hi enoughisenough, I will be going to the AAA meetings. I am presenting a paper on African people in Hong Kong. Will you be talking or just attending? Anyone else going?
  16. Hi peanuttheanthro, I will be focusing in Latin America... what about you? what area would you like to focus on? So, as far as the verbal section of the exam I must have memorized over 1200 words, I went through the process of making flash cards using the Princeton Review book, (Hit parade, and advanced vocabulary) and then making flash cards for every word I did not know that came out on the practice tests I did. For practice tests I used the ETS past exams book: I did about 15 practice tests. I also tried to work hard on the analogy questions that were my weakest part and tried to improve on making better bridges for the words... the bridge sentence is essential for that section. Hope that works.. Where are you from? I mean what is your native language. I found that a lot of the words that came out in the exam that I had not studied for had Latin roots and were very similar to Spanish. Modernity, I will be applying for PhDs....
  17. Hi everyone, I just took the GRE and got V:620 and Q:560 (won't know if the written part until later). I have a 3.65 GPA for my undergraduate in International Relations (from a US university) and a 3.76 GPA from my Anthropology MA (from a Hong Kong University). I have 1.5 year field work experience as a graduate research assistance for one of my MA professors. So my question is: should i worry about taking the GRE again to pass the 1200 mark that seems to be somewhat of a magical number? Thanks...
  18. Hi Everyone, Modernity: I have not decided where to apply yet, I have about 12 or 13 universities in mind but i am waiting to take the GRE so i can take some time to look at the people in each department with a bit more care and decide which ones i'll be applying to. What area are you looking into? I am more into politics and economics in Latin America. I thought schools don't take the writing section of the GRE into consideration for admission. Is it really important. I have not look at that part of the exam. I've been too worry with vocabulary and mathematics revision to worry about the writing section. vanishingpoint: Brown seems to be big in interdisciplinary studying, I am also considering that one.
  19. Hi Modernity, I am applying. Taking the GRE next week. Have you taken it yet? Where are you applying to?
  20. Hi everyone, I am in the process of selecting programs I might be applying to. I am mostly applying to Applied Anthropology Programs and I just started a few hours ago searching for universities that may have a well established joint program on Anthropology and Public Policy. Any idea where I could find this type of program? Thanks!
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