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  1. xfigo

    Amherst, MA

    What's it like to live in Amherst? I have an offer here and am considering accepting, but I do want to make sure I can live in the area. I left my last school after a master's for two reasons: 1) the research didn't really line up with what I wanted to do long term 2) I didn't like the area. I don't think I mind rural, but it was an area where rural meant "there's only corn fields around us." (Pullman, WA) Is there plenty of stuff to do in the surrounding areas? It's nice that Boston/NY/RI isn't too far away, so I'm sure that can entertain me some as well. As far as living goes, I think I'd prefer to live in Amherst within walking distance of campus (I really like walking) or in Northampton and driving everyday. What can I expect for an apartment/condo/town home if I split it with one roommate? $650 each?
  2. One final related question then: I'm ok with taking a leave of absence, but I have absolutely no intention of returning here whether or not my advisor stays. Again, it's only an OK fit (research interests have taken a definite shift from what I was told she was into when I applied), and the fit with the school in general has definitely contributed to my condition. The problem (as I see it, so almost certainly not the real one!) is that since admissions for graduate schools take about a year, if I was planning on trying to go back next year, I'd have to apply around this December. I guess I would take a leave of absence, and then around the time I need letters of rec (beginning of November-ish), inform them I need to transfer? I can't imagine needing more than a year to clear up my issues, so that part is still confusing me. Thanks for all of your help, everyone. It's been helping a lot.
  3. I've thought about that, but as I mentioned, there is greater than a 90% chance that it would be fruitless for me to return here given that the one person whose research interests line up with mine will be leaving shortly (I've gotten these rumors directly from other teachers/admins). So is a leave of absence still preferable even if I will not be returning to this institution?
  4. I am giving strong thought to dropping out of my program. I don't know that anyone suspects that...I am at the top of all of my classes, have had a fantastic research position lined up all year, and make considerably more than other students (Whooo, scholarships and grants!). Unfortunately, I've had nothing short of a complete mental breakdown this semester (and somehow, the only grade I received other than an A was a B+...still top 5 in a class of ~25-30). I've been seeing a number of therapists/doctors, and have been given a preliminary diagnosis of bipolar II, on top of previously diagnosed depression, anxiety, and OCD. As such, I don't think it was caused by the courses as I didn't find them particularly stressful in the first place. What are my options moving forward? If I drop out, it will most likely be to seek further assistance. I cannot imagine a career in anything other than physics, and I really am quite good at it when sane . My current advisor is just an OK fit and there are strong rumors in the department that she will be relocating to Germany within a few years (aka before I could finish a PhD with her anyways), so I'm not too keen on returning to my particular university if I come back to grad school after sorting my life out. I could really use any and all of your suggestions as I really have no idea what to do moving forward. What do I do while out of school? If I am in great academic standing (I am well respected here for my course work), will I be able to reapply to another school later for my PhD if I drop out for these reasons? Most importantly, has anyone here gone through or experienced anything similar while in graduate school? I'd love to know how you handled it/what your options came to be. I apologize if this comes across as disjointed. Thanks xFigo
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