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Posts posted by merintil

  1. Pugss!!!!! I need four of them with me right now! Pugs are so lovable!! And Merintil, I'm not one of the first choices for funding either, so my qualifications weren't enough. Haha. Can you go without funding??


    I really want to go to Georgetown because it is my first choice, but if I don't have funding, then I am not sure if I would be able to go :(  I received an offer from Wake Forest with a partial scholarship, so I have that going for me if Georgetown doesn't go through. Still... Georgetown is a really tempting offer.

  2. SMTS is for checking the status of your documents. Once they send decision e-mails, it'll update there to say they've been sent, but otherwise it won't really help with knowing whether you've been rejected or accepted.

    I don't get a 404- not sure why that's happening to you. Either way, SMTS doesn't really say much except if they got your GRE scores.

    I would hazard that they haven't finished contacting their accepted applicants yet, so I wouldn't fret about rejections. Only 3 people that we know of have heard back.


    Thanks shortstack! Well, I guess I'll have to keep on waiting (just like the rest of us)


    EDIT: Upon thinking about the 404, it could have to do with some sort of connection on their linux server (seems like it's running CentOS); one of their scripts couldn't be found, but oh well, in the end, that information doesn't matter too much.

  3. So, I have been trying to look at my application status for NYU through the SMTS system, and each time I put my UID into the field, I get a 404.  Is that just me? Or should I just take it that I have probably been rejected?


    NYU is a bit of a longshot for me, and so a rejection wouldn't bother me; though, I would like to see it for my own eyes.

  4. Yeah, same. Yikes..I applied for the PhD program though. Last year they sent PhD acceptances in late February by postal. You could go back and check what they did last year for MAs (I would but I'm on my phone and expecting company!).


    Looks like most MA notices were sent out mid-February. I'll keep holding on to the hope that maybe I wasn't passed over!

  5. Is there an unusual delay? For the past 2 years, NYU has been notifying English PhD applicants the first and second week of February. If this is true, I'm in for a lot of angst the next few weeks. I'm supposed to hear back from another program in the next couple of days according to last year and then three programs next week. I can't take this waiting!


    The only delay that I can think of is the snowstorms in the NE part of the United States; though, as I live somewhere else, I wouldn't really know if that sort of thing would delay anything.  I'm wondering if it may also be related to the deadline extension.  Does anyone know if the other programs at NYU had to extend their deadlines?


    Regardless, I guess I am going to have to wait a little longer before I hear back from NYU.  Does anyone know if Chicago has been sending anything out?

  6. After doing some preliminary searches on universities and professors, I have come to realize that my list of schools really only contains "big name" schools.  


    So, I was wondering if I can get some suggestions on which programs I should shoot for when my primary interests are on early 20th century literature, literature of the fantastic, and epistemology.  As of this moment, I have found one professor which nearly matches my interests, and she is an assistant professor at UCLA.


    Ultimately, I think I spent too much time looking at schools with large reputations, and I am unsure how to search for schools that do not have large reputations.  One of my advisers told me to just look at the US News rankings and start from there, but I feel that those rankings do not necessarily provide adequate information on all schools.  I am planning on asking my recommendation writers for advice, but I also wanted to know what you guys thought.


    Any help would be appreciated, and thank you!

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