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lalakey last won the day on April 2 2014

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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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  1. Hey all. I am potentially interested in applying (for my third, and probably final, time) to the Fulbright. Last time I made it to the final round and was rather sad when I got rejected, but I think my proposal is quite good. I speak the language well, too, so that always goes well for me. My question is what country to apply for between Austria/Germany. The thing is, my time period/academic topic truly pertains to both, as Austria/Germany was a larger area that was easily traversed between its smaller city-states (as you likely know from your World History classes.) I have always applied to Germany, but I know it's one of the most popular places to apply. Looking at the spreadhseets, the difference between Austria/Germany acceptance rate seems rather negligible. I am wondering if anyone has anecdotal evidence or thoughts about whether Austria (being slightly less popular as an applicant spot) would be a better choice, if I were truly interested in just getting my foot in the door! Thanks everyone.
  2. Congrats everyone, you are all brilliant. I have really enjoyed hanging with you. I also really appreciate your kind words. I may reapply but likely not in the same capacity as this year, as I will be into my PhD next year (and I honestly need to look up what that means for what programs I can apply for.) You likely haven't seen the last of me, I'm afraid. Might be taking a little break though 'cause I just need to not obsess right now!
  3. Haha, I've known for a while that I have a full ride to my PhD/DMA in music, so I'll probably write my dissertation on what would have been my Fulbright proposal, and also shamelessly exploit the school's concert hall to do performances of these beautiful and unknown German works!
  4. It's okay. I posted a self-congratulating "announcement" status about my PhD on facebook so I could get a lot of anonymous internet validation. I know that this rejection will just make me hungrier than ever, honestly. I mean it sucks, but hey, I will find a way, you know?
  5. Mine was study/research.
  6. Also, in case anyone is interested, there was no (P) or (NS) in the subject line.
  7. Well, I didn't even get past the first round last year, so there's that I'll find a way I'm sure. I always do
  8. To be totally honest, I am so used to rejection at this point that I barely have any reaction anymore. I feel slightly upset but not even as upset as I probably should be. *shrug* I've been rejected from so many things I care about that it's just... what it is. And yeah, audition fees, don't even get me started on that crap! Thank you for the link! I will PM you my website because I don't want to post my name here.
  9. It's possible, the finals notification "nos" were sent first, which is how I had an inkling I was in the finals.
  10. Thanks, it means a lot. Composers have it about as bad as sopranos, from what I can tell. lol. I don't know what your area of composition is but I have a couple of ideas I'd love to work out with a composer someday... maybe we'll cross paths.
  11. Yeah, I got a full scholarship for my PhD in music. It's good but it also means a lot of struggling financially which sucks. Fulbright would have been an easier ride for sure And it means I am stuck in the same city I've lived in forever which I really wanted to get out of... but here's hoping life works in mysterious ways.
  12. I guess. I'm going to get my PhD so maybe I'll reapply as a scholar (or whatever the PhD level one is.) Just so confused because I thought my application was really quite good. It's just getting so tiring hearing people tell me how much potential I have and how I'm going to achieve great things, and I have nothing to show for it. I'm a singer (classically trained) and people are constantly telling me I'm the next Birgit Nilsson (very famous Germanic-style opera singer) yet I never get accepted to... anything... sigh.
  13. Guessing you will all be notified soon.
  14. Just got my no selection for Germany. Feeling really low. It came to my gmail, which I wasn't expecting.
  15. I don't post anything particularly bad on the internet, but I try to make sure none of my friends post stupid things on their public facebooks or on blogs about me. Once a livejournal from high school popped up that my friend had mentioned me, and I asked her to take that down. Just stuff like that.
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