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  1. Upvote
    MikeW02 reacted to t_ruth in Ph.D. Admission chances   
    I agree. Don't sweat the undergrad GPA or the fact that your letters will come from your MA professors. Since it doesn't appear you have academic research experience (or experience really similar to academic research), you might want to highlight the elements of your polling and legislative experience that involved research-type skills.

    As for school recommendations, what specifically are you interested in studying? Instead of picking schools by the name/reputation of the school, you should really be picking your schools based on advisor and research focus area. This will increase your odds (and your likelihood of being happy once you are in the program).
  2. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to ballard011 in Harvard Education   
    When you compare the applicants of past years to the applicants of this year, the desperation rings loud and clear in this group. It sickens me.
    (Who knows, gradcafe.com '10 might just be the only cohort you'll be a member of?)

    Angelicasassy. Of course you don't have a saved link. The school must have created a website just for you to see!

    Whoever you are, angelicasassy, we all know too much about your insecurities. "Buzz off?" ARE YOU TRYING TO KICK ME OFF OF THE INTERNET? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. Upvote
    MikeW02 reacted to Angelicasassy in Harvard Education   
    I don't have a saved link.

    I also agree with multiple other posters- whoever you are Ballard, your comments aren't needed or wanted. If all you have to do is say negative things and mean replies BUZZ OFF.
  4. Upvote
    MikeW02 reacted to ballard011 in Harvard Education   
    Anyone can access the application if he/she has a saved link.

    It was discussed earlier.
  5. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to kismetcapitan in Harvard Education   
    Yes, according to this poster, we are not supposed to feel any anxiety or stress, and are directed to follow his/her example. We are grateful that he/she deigns to speak to us and directs us to attempt to have any sort of life, because apparently all we do is sit here on this forum and commiserate over the tiniest things.

    ballard011, please let us know if you are offered admission; I'll then know to defer my offer to insure that I am not in your cohort.

    (For the rest of us) I have my Harvard app bookmarked, it has always been accessible, including just a moment ago. No change as per usual, nothing to get excited over. It could be the 12th if we look at historical records, but it could also be as late as the 26th, which is what some Ed.D applicants who have been rejected but kicked over into the Ed.M pile, were told.
  6. Upvote
    MikeW02 reacted to ballard011 in Harvard Education   
    The online application link on the admissions website has been greyed out for weeks. Please go back to living your lives (if you have them? Sheeeesh). Thanks.

  7. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to kismetcapitan in Application "ads"   
    I have only applied to one school - Harvard. However, I did start (but did not submit) applications to U Mich, Vanderbilt, and U Penn. Recently, I have been receiving a spate of emails from all three schools, ranging from "we're happy you've started your application, if you have any questions in how to finish then ask..." to "congratulations! you're almost complete with your application!".

    It does seem somewhat late this year to send in a masters application (although they are all in some form or another rolling admissions). For example, Vanderbilt has a deadline, but "will accept applications after that date on a space-available basis".

    It would seem that they wouldn't be going through the trouble if they had already been swamped with applicants? Is anyone else getting the same sort of solicitous emails?
  8. Upvote
    MikeW02 reacted to ballard011 in Application "ads"   
    The decision is completely out of your hands, so there's no need to nit-pick and freak out on here. Just be patient. PLEASE.

    <Other comments edited by Mod to assist in keeping things civil>
  9. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to The applicant in Ed.L.D. at HGSE   
    To all of those still waiting on HGSE, here is a song from Tibet. It is called "lewang," which means "destiny."


    Decisions will be made that impact the future today. Let's hope admissions thinks in terms of the best interest of our country and our destiny as a people united by a desire to want to brighten the futures of younger generations.


  10. Upvote
    MikeW02 reacted to bossanova4 in HGSE Fall 2010   
    I love how Harvard is making us all wait the LONGEST for their decisions. But they're HGSE, they can totally get away with this. I thought I could be strong, but they're the last school I'm waiting on...!

    Does anyone have any advice/stories in terms of financial aid for Ed.M. students? What are the staff members in the financial aid office like?
  11. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to The applicant in Ed.L.D. at HGSE   
    Still no word from HGSE. This erratic snowstorm in the northeast probably is not helping matters as well. I anticipate a delay, but that may just be wishful thinking on my part.

    An acceptance by HGSE would give me a chance to help my ancestors shine and bring glory and honor to my family.
    Ah, but alas, rejection is seemingly becoming more and more of a possibility. No matter what, I hope that HGSE keeps in mind that people who are going to bring about change in our urban schools are not necessarily going to be those who come from
    privileged backgrounds or those who had access to a decent education, test prep materials, and a gamut of other resources.

    It would be interesting to get a synopsis of the typical applicant to this program.

    As the time ticketh away, keep hope alive! The right news will come to you.

  12. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to Catwoman25 in HGSE Diversity Recruitment Program   
    Side question- do underrepresented minorities get boosts in admissions?
  13. Downvote
    MikeW02 reacted to tetrisenthusiast in 2010 Ed PhD hopefuls?   
    Don't throw in the towel just yet!

    Invitations to the Applicants' Weekend aren't tantamount to actual offers of admission; we really have no idea what criteria they used for selection. For all we know, a given invitee could've been invited based on proximity to Penn or because he/she is a marginal candidate and thus would benefit most from face-to-face interaction.

    I've read a number of your other posts this year and you seem like someone who has found a calling in education. If you're absolutely set on attending Penn, there's no reason why you can't apply next year after strengthening your application. If you've been discouraged by your GRE score or GPA, then submit an addendum. (Although Penn's online application has no field for this, it couldn't hurt to ask the admissions office to add a document to your file.) Because you've already earned a JD, exceptional performance in law school beyond LSAT-implied levels of achievement would give credence to the fact that you're more than just your numbers.

    I really believe that education is a bit of an odd duck compared to other graduate programs. Perhaps more than in any other field, applicants should have some expectation of being holistically reviewed. Best of luck this cycle!
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