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Everything posted by bsharpe269

  1. This depends on your research experience/interests. If you have research experience in an area relevent to biochem and interest in continuing that area then I think you should be fine. If you want to be sure, take the biochem GRE.
  2. bsharpe269

    Troy, NY

    I will be applying for phd programs this fall and am interested in rochester inst. or tech. What else is the area known for? My husband will need to be able to find business (preperably international business) jobs wherever we go.
  3. I think you actually makes good points. Basically you are saying that instead of applying to safety schools based on rating along, that if you combine rating and fit then you have a great safety. I think its beneficial for people to hear that message!
  4. I wasnt judging you at all! I was commenting on someone who would go two years without seeing their kids. That seems really unfair to the kids and traumatic to me. That comment wasnt directed to you at all.
  5. This is probably a really personal decision and people's views on it may vary a ton. This doesnt seem to me like "commitment" that should be looked up to... it seems like shelfishness and putting your own desires way above your children.
  6. I think this really depends on what you are looking for in a mentor. For example, you say one shcool is better than the other but by how much.. are they close in rank? Also, which professor is publishing in better journals? the older one probably has more students and funding... if so do you like a more hands off or on professor? Do you like working in larger or smaller groups? Yes, funding should definitely play a very large role.
  7. If I were you I would just wait out a decision and then if you do get in, then I would contact professors at that point to see if they are interested. Then you can see if it is a potential option without coming off like you are are trying to get them to help you out. The professors who you mentioned in your SOP (or general reserach area if you didnt mention professors by name) will more than likely recive and review your application even though you didnt email them. Emailing is helpful in knowing which schools are a good match but not necesary to get in. I would just wait it out now and see what happens!
  8. I think it would majorly hurt your application. What would be your goal in contacting them now other than try to help your chances of admission? Usually people contact professors before applying to make sure the research fit is compatible and make sure they will be taking students. Contacting now would be pointless because you already paid the fees and applied.
  9. I agree that you are probably overthinking this. I am always happy to give my notes to other students. I have plenty of classmates who email me for help on assignments and always am willing. It isnt a cut throught competition... I want everyone in my program to do well and suceed.
  10. I agree that this is sometimes the mindset and is sexist. I think that it gets even more complicated with divorced parents because now you dont only have to get your husband to move with you but also your ex husband if you want everyone to be together! I dont think there is a right answer... on one hand, once you have kids you just dont get the same options as someone who doesnt. You have added responsibilities and children's needs come before parents. I think that childrens needs include seeing their parents regularly. I think the best thing to do is maybe compromise. Even if you get into harvard, you might have to go to nowherhe state university instead to be near your kids. You can still get a phd but maybe not the same as you could have before kids. This is such a hard situation... I have been dealing with the same sort of situation with my fiance but that is much easier than what you guys are dealing with. We are compromising. I am only applying to schools that are in cities that he could get great jobs in in his field and he will come with me where I decide.
  11. Thanks so much for your detailed response! It is tough because I keep hearing people say that I cant choose a school based on a single professor but the problem is that there are only about 15-20 people in this country that I really want to work with. One of "famous" professors works at a department that is strong in general in this area so if I didnt get in with him there would at least be fall back options... but I would be VERY disappo\ointed to work with those other options.. Another school has 2 professors who are very well known in my field (not quite the "famous" level but just below). I am thinking that if I get into either of those schools then I should go there even though they arent quite as prestigous as some other options. The 2 most prestigous schools with famous professors each only have 1 person I want to work with. I will of course apply but making sure I get into those labs would be very nerve racking.
  12. I am trying to do this right now to bring up my verbal score from 157 so hopefully low 160s. There are SO many words. How did you memorize them all? How long did it take? Ive been working for about a month and still dont feel like I have made a dent in what I need to do. I have around 4 more months until id like to retake.
  13. I agree with the others. 155 for a non native speaker is actually very good. I think thats above 50% and youre not even native so thats awesome. Quant is on the lower side of the very good range... not worth retaking at all in my opinion.
  14. If you are funded or can afford the masters then I would go that route. I am doing a masters now and have gained so much knowledge, confidence, and maturity that I think it will help me a ton in phd applications. If the masters isnt funded and you would go into significant debt then I would do #1. I wouldnt worry about losing a year... its really not a race to the end. If you enjoy research then you will probably enjoy the year of lab work and it wont be a waste at all!
  15. If you do then I wouldnt go into details.. I would say something like "despite personal issues experienced in my first 2 years of colllege, I dedicated myself to school work and earned a 4.0 for the last 2 years. "
  16. Thanks guys! When you guys say safety school vs long shot, what exactly do you mean? Alot of the schools that I want to apply to arent super highly ranked (think top 30ish) but have "famous" professors who I want to work with. I know EXACTLY what I want to study and it isnt super common so im a bit limited. I do have a ton of knowledge in this area and i doubt there are alot or even any other appliacnts with as much knowedge in this area (just bc its so specific and uncommon) so I would be comming in some specific skills that those labs would otherwise have to teach me. Would those schools be considered long shots since the professor is well known or since the ranking isnt super high is that more of a safety. Those schools are what I would consider my dream schools/top choices.
  17. I'm in grad school so im not out having tons if convos with random people either. You still have to grocery shop, get gas, go the bank occasionally though. Thats how it happened for me anyway!
  18. Thanks for the feedback guys!
  19. For those of you waiting for decisions or trying to decide on a program, how many schools do you recommend those of us a year behind apply to next year? I have heard that 10ish is a good number but I would love to get some input from those of you going through the process now.
  20. Definitely not common... The money should probably come from your PI's grant money.
  21. I have heard of people directly contacting faculty who have similar intersts and asking about summer research positions. You would probably have to have valuable skills related to their research for them to consider hiring you to help for the summer. If you can find labs that do similar work to what you do for your phd so that you dont need tons of training before starting then you should contact the faculty member and ask whether they are looking for any help this summer. Even though your school does not does not offer summar internships are you appliated with a lab there? Often times, your PI may be able to fund you to work for the summer.
  22. Keep in mind that research usually involved tons of mistakes or dead ends before gettting anything publishable. What you are experiencing is normal and should not hinder you in grad school. Keep working and be able to talk about how you overcame these obstables in your SOP/interviews. Edit: You can spin this however you what for grad school. You can say you didnt get any results blah blah.. or you can say that you learned TONS and get how frustrating resaerch is but love it anway and are up for the challenge.
  23. Meeting your spouse can happen any number of ways, in ways that you would never expect. I am engaged and met my fiance while running an errand. We had a short (maybe 5 min?) conversation and have been inseperable since. My point is that as long as you are in situations where you are having at least 5 min conversations with new people, then you should be able to find a SO. Also, in my experience, if you have to question whether you want a second date with him then you probably wont end up too serious. I knew after our first date that I would marry my fiance. I dont necesarily believe in "the one" or love at first site but when you meet someone that you are that compatible with then you dont have to question it.
  24. I think this REALLY depends on the lab and luck and the project. Also, what do you mean by havent generated ANY data? Do you mean that you have helped with a project but havent gotten anything publishable out of it or that all of your work messed up or what? It would also be helpful to know what sort of project you are working on to let you know what is normal. If you have been helping out in a lab for a year but havent ended up on publications or found out anything awesome then I wouldnt worry at all. At an undergrad level, your goal in working with a lab is to help out on a project and learn valuable skills. If asked during an interview, would be be able to exaplain how you directly benefitted the lab and discuss specific skills you aquired? If so, then I think you should feel accomplished and not worry.
  25. ADVISOR! My top choice schools are actually ranked around 20-30 for my field and I would go to them any day over a top 10 school. I am pretty convinced that one of the advisors at one of the top 30 schools will end up with a nobel prize at some point (not just my point of view, professors in my subfield as well). He is my dream guy to work with. Actually, only one of the top professors in my subfield is at top 10 school. I have zero desire to go to any of the top 10 schools that dont have top people in my subfield. The people working at the 20-30 ranked schools on the other hand are very regularly publishing in science, nature, being asked to head the biggest conferences in my subfield etc. Working with them will open so many doors. The only benefit youll find out of attending a top school for the sake of prestige is impressing your mom tha tyou got into harvard. No one in academia cares... they look at advisor name.
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