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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    MFA: Printmaking or Fibers

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  1. I will be attending UW-Madison for Printmaking this fall and they have their own paper mill, in addition to bookbinding facilities. I can't wait to begin my program!
  2. I'm wondering if anyone else has decided to attend UW-Madison in the Fall. I'm moving to Madison in June and would love to connect with fellow MFAs in any discipline.
  3. In lieu of a post-bac program, why don't you look at taking non-credit classes: at a university, residency-type place like Ox-Bow, or a local community art center? That way you can bulk up your portfolio, find an artistic community, and continue your education as an artist, without shelling out as much money as you would for a post-bac. I never stopped taking art classes after I completed my undergraduate degree. I can tell you that the 3 classes I took at Ox-Bow over the course of several summers provided the springboard for my MFA application portfolio. Now I'm in my 30s and about to go to the school I fantasized about as an undergrad.
  4. Thank you! I'm excited and terrified, but I do think that the universe has a way of pushing you where you should be.
  5. I also took myself off of the Wait List at UNC-Chapel Hill, so if there is anyone also on the Wait List, you just moved up a spot.
  6. Rejection from Indiana University (Printmaking) via snail mail yesterday afternoon. It's fine-- I spent yesterday at UW-Madison and fell in love. Anyone else going to UW? My partner and I will be moving to Madison in a few months and it would be wonderful to connect with fellow MFA students before the program begins.
  7. Does anyone know how many people they typically have on the Waitlist? I just got my Waitlist notification yesterday.
  8. Waitlisted at UNC-Chapel Hill via email today.
  9. I received an acceptance email from UW-Madison on a Saturday in January, three weeks after the application deadline. Maybe the Art Department likes to work on weekends, though
  10. I withdrew my application from Columbia College Chicago (MFA Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts), so that should open up a spot for any of you on the Waiting List. Also, have any of you received wait list or rejection notification from SAIC for Printmaking? At this point, I have heard nothing and am preparing to withdraw my applications from SAIC, UNC-Chapel Hill (still no word), and Indiana University (also no word)-- 98% sure I will accept my offer from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  11. I'm leaning towards getting my MFA in Printmaking at UW-Madison-- excited to visit in two weeks.
  12. Have any Indiana University printmaking candidates heard anything yet? People seem to have heard from Ceramics and Photo, but I haven't seen anything from Printmaking.
  13. I see that there is an SAIC Printmedia acceptance listed in the Results section… congrats to whomever that is! I am going to assume that I didn't make the cut, since I did not receive a phone call today
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