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    The Brain, Biochemistry
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  1. (ok came off a bit harsh) I guess I was just saying whether or not you want to solely use the scientific method. I find clinical to have less substance than experimental based psychology. But I'm biased =)
  2. Don't want to say for sure just yet, but barring any major issues... I'm accepting the offer for admission at OHSU on monday. Effing excited to move to Portland!!!!! So far I'm thinking either Downtown/Pearl or SE.... looking for the right place. I've even found some in North Portland that I thought were awesome..
  3. I am pretty sure I'm not headed to boston this summer because I do not want to live in a shoebox for 1500 a month. Depends if you are a homey person or not I guess but I don't think I'd take advantage of a big city the way others could (at least in grad school, when most of my time should be dedicated to studying)
  4. I'm leaning OHSU at the moment due to the stipend/cost of living ratio... All the places in boston at 1500 or under look pretty slummy for my tastes. I loved portland when I was there and I actually love that constant drizzle. We took a hike thru forest park crossed into washington park up to pittick mansion which was pretty awesome. I have a pretty nice bike so biking places is something I'd seriously consider at all times. Unfortunately for us, the trek the graduate students and the interviewees took to voodoo after a night of drinking came up empty handed (they were out of doughnuts!!!!). I noticed there seem to be little "neighborhoods" within the quadrants... any you recommend or recommend me stay away from?
  5. Well, I feel more comfortable doing behavioral neuroscience (both in research and in classes) but I can't help but feel that pharmacologists are more highly sought after. As a side question, what part of portland do you live in? I didn't get to check out any of the east quadrants.
  6. I know this is broad, but why is one better than the other. Just flat out opinions I'd like to hear
  7. also to add, state income taxes in oregon are a lot higher as well (9% vs 5.3% in mass) What would you guys choose? Pharmacology w/ internship and possible better placement or Behav Neuro with less sure placement?
  8. well its btwn 25,5 in portland and 30,5 in boston... ohsu goes up 1.5k after quals boston 1k after quals
  9. well for one, I feel like a degree in pharmacology would open me up to more than a degree in behavioral neuroscience and they want you to do an internship in pharma at BU after your first year. 2: both of them said 5.5-6yrs to graduate 3: more people I feel like I could work with at OHSU and they are full professors as opposed to assistant professors at BU. I could be putting all my eggs in one basket as the two professors I want to work with at BU are a couple. However there are more diverse research opportunities from BU so if I decide that addiction research isn't right for me i'd have more options
  10. what would u guys do? Driving myself crazy
  11. Hi Guys & Gals, So I've been ripping my hair out over my grad school choices. Right now I'm choosing between BU Pharmacology and OHSU Behavioral Neuroscience. I'll mostly be doing very similar research (drug addiction & abuse) however BU has an internship and from what I see folks trained in pharmacology are in high demand. I probably liked the graduate students at OHSU more but the professors between both places were about a wash (all seemed super nice). The research at OHSU is fairly focused but all in areas I am interested in while I would say BU has a bit more diversity in their research but still a good group of people doing research that interests me. Living expenses should about even out when you consider housing costs vs the stipend amount. I like portland more as a city but I have a gut feeling BU is better career wise. Anyone have any insight?
  12. Stay up phanner, hopefully things will work out
  13. UVM is pretty dang cool so far

  14. I would take option 2 unless you are sure you can live off the funding package of option 1 I'm going through a similar dilemma where one of the schools is in an awesome place and has awesome grad students while the other school is still in a nice/but expensive and not as fun place but I feel will give me a better career opportunity. Luckily funding is good at either school but I have to decide between short term place and long term opportunity... its not as easy as it sounds
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