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Posts posted by daisydukes

  1. I would go for the MSW. I am also interested in college advising, and have been debating this as well. But i've come to the conclusion that obtaining an MSW degree is good as it such a broad scope of practice. You can do counseling with an MSW. Alot of the counselor jobs at colleges that I have looked at require a masters in social work, or relate field such as counseling, psychology, student affairs.. etc. And plus, if you were ever to get bored with beign an advisor, you can always look for other employment in the many realms of social work . 

  2. Hi Everyone :-)


    So I have been narrowing my schools down and I have decided to apply to Cal State Eastbay, SFSU, SJSU, and Sac State. The application periods haven't opened up yet, but I am working on my personal statements, contacting my LOR people, and compiling my resume. I feel incredibly late in the game..but hopefully I'll get in somewhere..is anyone gearing up for applying to MSW programs?




    I am also applying to eastbay, sjsu, & sac state..as well as csu fullerton, long beach, & chico! 

  3. I really enjoy children and I would like to know if I should go to grad school for child development? I am graduating with a BA in Social Work, so I do not know if i should go to grad school for that or child development. I have been doing some research, and with an MSW, it is more versatile. Child Development kind of limits you to work in a certain area. Now, I love kids, i just don't know if I want to be limited in what I do.



    Any suggestions?

  4. Hello,


    I am going to apply to grad school, and I do not know whether to apply to the full time (2yr) or part time (3 yr) program? I would like to get my degree as soon as possible, however, I know that I am going to have to pay rent & bills, and it seems as though with the 2 yr program, people barely have time to work. I want to avoid taking out as much loans as possible. Also, I've read that the work load in grad school is pretty intense. With the 3yr program, it seems as though the classes are spread out between the 3 years, which gives more time to study & work. 


    My question is: Would you recommend the 3 year or the 2 year MSW program? Pros? & Cons? For those who are in the 3 year program, what is it like? And for those who are in the 2 year program, what is it like?




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