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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology PhD

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  1. Most of my applications are looking for a hybrid between the two I feel
  2. What is your specific area of interest in clinical psychology: child and family, adult, health psychology, neuropsychology, or other (please specify)? Among the many alternatives, why are you applying to University X? What relevant clinical and research experiences have you had that have prepared you for advanced training in psychology? What are your short-term and long-term professional goals? Please identify at least one clinical psychology faculty member with whom you would like to work during your graduate training.
  3. It is a personal statement. Edited it to be anonymous.
  4. I started off my undergraduate degree at the University X in 2008 with a Hospitality Management major, but changed to a Psychology major with a minor in Sociology within six weeks. I knew I had to change my focus after a classmate was feverishly taking notes in Event Management. My classmate wrote, “Banquet tables are round” and I knew I was looking for something different for my field of study. I knew I wanted to assist others and ultimately found out in just what way that would materialize within psychology. Neither of my parents are college educated or from scientific backgrounds. However, a large part of why I am in graduate school is owed to them. My father worked difficult hours as a truck driver and in construction. He strived towards owning his own business, which he finally accomplished several years ago. He taught me the importance of determination, a strong work ethic, and perseverance. He encouraged my sisters and I to find a field that we love and do our best to be the best at it. My mother worked at home for the majority of my childhood and provided an example of humanity and compassion. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance of pride in our work and a sense of humor. My parents’ unwavering support has afforded my two sisters and I the opportunity to choose my own path and fight for it. I am extremely proud to be a first generation college educated young woman. I have always been an extremely driven individual. I have set goals since early in high school and have always achieved them. I obtained a Bachelors degree in Psychology with a Sociology minor and I am currently working on my Masters in Clinical Psychology. Now, I am seeking to further my education at University X by applying to the Clinical Psychology PhD program. Along the way, I have had several positions of employment that have taught me many valuable life lessons such as organization skills, time management, financial skills, interpersonal skills, and recently scientific research skills. I found confidence in my abilities and I was able to flourish in each unique opportunity. Due to these opportunities, I believe I am a well-rounded individual and I hope to continue to grow and learn about the world we live in. Each employment opportunity afforded me the ability to help people but in different ways; I was taught to find what technology products were appropriate for different individuals, I learned how to work within a team dynamic, and I learned valuable skills in crisis management. From selling computers in an Apple store to midnight calls as a resident assistant, I have enjoyed working hard and have acquired important skills and knowledge that are relevant to what I will be doing in psychology throughout my years of employment and education in Florida and Illinois. My experience at the Laboratory X at X University has reinforced my interest for research. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time spent utilizing 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging machines (MRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) machines, and electroencephalograms (EEG). Next Spring of 2014, I hope to attend a national conference where I will present a poster on our findings from a study aimed at better understanding the nature of subtle cognitive impairment in breast cancer survivors who received chemotherapy in combination with estrogen depletion therapy. This condition, also known as “chemofog” or “chemobrain” impacts a high percentage of breast cancer survivors undergoing these specific therapies, yet little is known about it. This study incorporated behavioral experimental memory testing, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and comprehensive neuropsychological testing indexing attention, memory, and quality of life measures. I was fortunate enough to be able to recruit breast cancer survivors to participate in the study, co-facilitate the experiments by using a neuropsychological battery and running fMRIs, and help run analyses on the data. The research in Dr. JANE’s laboratory at X University specifically caught my attention. I found Dr. JANE’s extensive use of EEGs and fMRIs in her research and publications highly appealing. Even though I have not had research experience specifically related to psychopathology, I have experienced many clients with psychological disorders at my current practicum site at X Center, which has been fascinating and rewarding. I have had one client in particular who has many issues with her executive functioning. Being able to help her get the appropriate psychological assessments to receive accommodations in school has made a huge impact on her future. In Dr. JANE’s laboratory I would be able to integrate my fervor for research and psychopathology. My passion for psychopathology and this field has set me on the path that I am currently pursuing. I have always been drawn to the way the mind works and how people think. I am intrigued by malfunctions in the brain and ways to pinpoint these specific glitches. I will complete my Masters in Arts in Clinical Psychology from X University in the summer of 2014. My goals may have changed or become more direct, but that spark for psychology has always been there. I am truly excited for my future endeavors and my end goal of a PhD in Clinical Psychology. I have worked hard and diligently and will continue to do so. I am extremely excited about the possibility of attending University X and feel it is the right fit for me. I would welcome the opportunity to express my interest and goals to you in person if so desired. Thank you for your time.
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