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Status Replies posted by ratlab

  1. Hmm, my icon looks more evil than I thought it would... Maybe I should do a Pokemon?

  2. Semester 2 can go ahead and start now. I need a crowded timetable to function normally.

  3. Invited for an early interview to Michigan State University and won an undergraduate fellowship for my thesis. : )

  4. Finishing the SOP in under 500 words. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

    1. ratlab


      excellent advice - I ended up trying both ways, and cutting out entire paragraphs was by far the better choice.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Finishing the SOP in under 500 words. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

    1. ratlab


      I was really upset that one of my schools asked for approx. 500 word SoP. Cutting down my 1500 word SoP was painful! Good luck, and feel free to message me if you need an eye :).

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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