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Everything posted by Joe001
working on a BS in Economics and a Math minor at UT-Arlington. Yeah it's not a great school. I'm wondering how this will affect my chances if I should so choose to attend grad school. I have no illusions; I'm not nearly smart enough to get into a top program but at a decent program, perhaps somewhere in the 50-75 range, I would like to think I would have a chance at a place like that. My grades should be good, my GRE scores should be fine (probably not stellar but somewhere around the median at schools I would apply to) and having a math minor means I have some familiarity with some of the math that is used in econ. What do you guys think? Should I worry more about other things that I can do to improve my application, like working with a prof as a research assistant or something, rather than the things I can't change? Or should I seriously reconsider attempting grad school?
Rejected by UCLA. I wish Colorado and Indiana would hurry the fuck up and tell me about the funding situation.
I emailed Virginia and they said they've made decisions on some people and not on others, and I'm one of those they haven't yet made a decision on So I guess in essence I've been waitlisted. Oy.
Homer on Life and Death by Jasper Griffin The Early Greek Conception of the Soul by Jan Bremmer
Anyone heard from UCLA? Cuz the dept website says they send out offers in February and March, and rejection letters by April. I'm expecting one of those.
I haven't received a rejection, so I think that's good?
lol a classics ninja. Indeed Sidereal is. Anywho, on Virginia's website it says "Successful applicants for fellowship support are usually notified in February and March" so I'm holding on to the tiniest chance that maybe I'm not outright rejected and just waitlisted right now. Meh.
Why oh why dear girl must you twist the knife ;_; Anywho, I did hear Virginia had their visiting weekend awhile ago. So does that mean they're still trying to figure out their situation, or do they pretty much have everything settled. That's why I dread emailing them about my status, only to have them answer "Yeah we haven't gotten back to you cuz we don't want you kthxbai" :/
Sucks. I notice you've applied to Virginia as well. I'm wondering if maybe I should send them an email or something to ask about my app. I haven't heard a peep from them. Not good :/
Got a rejection letter from UNC today. Goddamn it. 4 down, 2 more to go.
Anyone heard from UCLA or UNC yet? I'm almost positive I got rejected by Virginia but I'm not sure about those two. Oy vey
Rejected by UT today via email.
Not sure how to respond to that o_O
Indeed. I would be interested to know who the Indiana and UT admits are. Congrats to everyone so far.
Congrats to all to everyone who's been admitted thus far. Also, who's the Colorado admit? Did you get funding?
Accepted into University of Colorado's program for the MA, but waitlisted for funding. From what I understand, they are able to fund half of their MA students so I hope I will be one of those. Glad to finally hear back something though!
Indeed. Waiting is the worst part.
hoo boy that's a little beyond my personal purview :/ I'm just trying to get into a grad program. I'll worry about changing the profession later
Welcome! I notice you're applying Texas and UNC, me too Anywho, best of luck to you.
I agree with classicsgirl. Your GRE is very good and whether or not you get in will be based on your recs, SOP, fit in the department and writing sample more than your GRE score.
Greetings. Best of luck to you in getting accepted to where you want.
Oy. Final recommender's rec letters have been received. Now I really get to relax and wait a month. I wish I could find out sooner if I get denied/accepted with funding. Ergh.
Oh god my retard last recommender STILL hasn't sent in his letters! All but 2 will be late. Gee, that's going to look just great when they are reviewing my app. WTF is he doing? He hasn't checked his email or anything in like 3 weeks. So frustrating.