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Everything posted by cy213

  1. Hi! Is anyone willing to read mine? I am also willing to swap! Thanks.
  2. Did you finish the exam, or did you close it without finishing? If it's the latter, it is possible that the answers did not save and you might have to take it again. However, if you did finish the exam, you get to select which test you took and at the bottom. It has three buttons, one of them saying to review answers. Hope this helps!
  3. So you're saying to make the process easier for them, list all of my quantitative classes on there anyway even though it's optional, right? That does seem very time consuming, since my major does pertain to economics, statistics, and calculus. But I think you're right. Plus, I don't want them to think I didn't give much effort in applying by leaving this one out. Thanks!
  4. Hi guys, I'm not sure where exactly to put my question since it doesn't really have to do with GRE/GMATs, SOPs, PHS, etc. But there is a tab on the UC Berkeley application that says "Quantitative Training." It says the following instructions: We do not require a particular background in quantitative training, but we would be interested in knowing specific courses that prepare you for such work. Please list courses you have taken related to Calculus, Economics, or Statistics. You may list any courses in progress. (If your major was in any one of these fields, you may skip this section). I have an undergraduate degree of Joint Math-Econ, so I'm wondering if I shouldn't have to list my courses since I majored in math and economics. What do you guys think? Should I list out my course work anyway? Thanks in advance!
  5. Yes, I know my GPA and my GRE scores are horrible, but I'm still applying anyway. What have I got to lose anyway? If I don't get in this year, I can always apply next year. I really did wish that my GPA and GRE scores were higher, but what can I do now anyway? And good for you azer! I'm not an adcom or anything, but your stats are not bad... definitely better than mine. Good luck!
  6. I am applying for UC Berkeley's GSPP program for MPP, and I was wondering if it is okay if the SOP and the Personal History statements kind of overlap. Is the SOP mainly for the past, present, future prompt they asked, and the PHS is more to describe what adversities have you gone through and how it affects you wanting to pursue graduate school (barriers, racial minorities, underrepresented ethnicities, inequality, etc.)? Also, for MPP prospective students, the Policy Statement of Purpose should be exactly the same as SOP, right? I read on the GSPP website saying to ignore what the SOP prompt says on the grad application and to use their prompt instead (which is the Policy Statement of Purpose). Is anyone writing two separate ones for these, or is anyone recycling his/her SOP for the Policy SOP?
  7. I would like to swap too! I am applying to Berkeley's MPP program as well. I haven't started writing yet though.
  8. Update: There is an open slot I can register if I were to take the GREs again: November 25th. However, that is a week before my December 5th application is due. I forgot to mention that I have two other December deadlines, one on the 15th and the other on the 31st. Considering that I am very familiar with the format already, that I would only have 2.5 weeks to study for the next GREs (if I were to take it this month again), and I would only have a week to complete my application, I don't think I would drastically improve my scores (5 points minimum per section) in two weeks. Thanks for the hopefulness, but I'm starting to lean more towards a no, it's not even feasible for me to squeeze in another test, even for my January and February deadlines. I would still have to work on my SOPs and the rest of the applications anyway. I'm just going to try to write a super kick ass SOP and see where it goes from there. I have already asked Magoosh for my refund back, since they have a 7-day refund policy. I mean, my scores aren't THAT horrendous, right? =\
  9. Hi C_Chattra, I can't remember all of my scores for my practice exams (for Kaplan, because I accidentally cleared my first two practice test scores), but here's what I have so far: Kaplan: V - 158/145/152 Q - 158/158/160 Power Prep II: V - 146/145 Q - 154/155 I hope this helps!
  10. Yeah, I'm definitely still applying to all the schools I listed above. All I am losing is money, but obviously getting acceptances to these schools > money hands down. I know GREs and GPA isn't everything, but admissions definitely look at these two. Regardless, you reminded me that some people who have very low GPAs and GRE scores do get into great schools, so thank you for making me hopeful again!
  11. Thanks for your advice gk210! I think realistically speaking, I don't think I can significantly improve my GRE scores for the UC Berkeley deadline (which is on December 5th) within 3-4 weeks, but for the other schools that I am applying to whose deadlines are in January and February, I am going to consider re-taking the GREs. As much as I don't want to, I think you're right. Especially since I am applying to very competitive schools, I really need to shine. It is obvious that my GPA will not give me that shine, so it has to be from my GRE scores, personal statements, and recommendation letters. I do have some internship and research experience in environmental economics, which ties in well with the Public Policy programs I am looking into. My professor who helped me with my independent research is also writing me a recommendation letter, so I have at least *some* cushion, but I am not betting on getting in with such low GRE scores and a low GPA. I, too, was a Kaplan user. I did all five of their practice tests, and my score ranges were kind of inconsistent, so it was hard for me to see where I really was... not until I took the Power Prep II practice tests. It looks like Magoosh and Manhattan have the most positive feedback as GRE prep tools. Does anyone have experience in using Manhattan? If so, would you recommend that AND Magoosh together?
  12. I know this isn't going to help you, but I just want to let you know that you are not alone--I am in the same boat! I took my test yesterday too (11/4) and I only scored 1 point better (per section minus the AWA) than the last time I took it (which was in August). My scores are V - 149 and Q 155 for yesterday's test and I am afraid my scores will not suffice. I am scared too
  13. Hi, I am in a pickle and would like advice. The first time I took my GRE test, I received a score of 148 for Verbal, 154 for Quantitative, and a 4 for AWA--this was in August. The second time I took my GRE test, which was yesterday (11/4), I received a 149 in Verbal, and a 155 in Quantitative. Between my first and second GRE tests, I have been studying at least 2-3 hours every day (I have a full-time job), but apparently, that didn't help. I have only improved by one point per section, and this is not enough for the grad schools I want to apply to (one of them being UC Berkeley and several other prestigious schools) for Public Policy. My first deadline is on December 5th. Since it's right around the corner, I don't know if I should retake my GRE. Also, my GPA for undergrad was a 2.5 so I was hoping that my GRE scores would kick ass, but it doesn't. Although I already sent my most recent scores to four schools, should I retake my GREs one more time later this month? I am kind of panicking. Any advice would be much appreciated! Here's a list of schools I am applying to for a Masters in Public Policy: UC Berkeley, UCLA, USC, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, UCI, University of Chicago, Georgetown University, George Washington University, American University, and University of Maryland - College Park. Do I even have a chance with these schools with my scores? P.S. If anyone is going to recommend me Magoosh as a study prep, I already know about it. I just found out about Magoosh literally three days ago. I wish I found out about it sooner!!
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